Thursday, September 05, 2024

Carthage City Council schedules special session to spend more money on impeaching mayor


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    The CCU's....I mean the city councils attorney...probably reminded them part of the agreement to avoid a hearing in the Rife case was to consider and possibly pass a resolution paying for a hearing officer and recorder. There is a motion before the court asking that the Judge order the council to take this action and to also grant the Mayor 60 days after the resolution passes to hold depositions. I imagine the depos will be interesting. Everyone know the council will impeach no matter what. The decision was made months ago. This will go to court on an appeal and cost more taxpayer dollars.

    CCU posted, and then took down, a screenshot of the final pay information for Dagnan right after posting the special meeting notice. I guess the critical responses were too much the bear.

    All of this will end up costing the city $250K or more just because the rich snooty old school Carthage people got mad. They should be asking what the whistleblowers are saying about CWEP and the actions of some of the leaders over there.
