Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Jill Carter calls for immediate action following violent crimes by illegal immigrants in 32nd District

(From Sen. Jill Carter, R-Granby)

State Sen. Jill Carter, R-Granby, is raising the alarm after two illegal immigrants from Honduras were arrested for a string of violent crimes, including murder, in her district.

These individuals, who were in the U.S. illegally, are now facing charges for a deadly carjacking spree that ended with a homicide in Jasper County and other violent acts across Missouri.

“This tragedy underscores the urgent need for Missouri to lead in protecting our communities,” said Sen. Carter. “The federal government has failed to secure our borders, and now our citizens are paying the price. We cannot sit back and wait for federal action. We must act now to keep Missourians safe.”

Senator Carter recently visited the U.S.-Mexico border to witness the situation firsthand. Her experience reaffirmed her commitment to crafting Missouri-specific legislation to close the gaps in federal immigration policy and ensure local law enforcement has the tools needed to combat this growing threat.

“Missouri must take the lead in protecting its citizens,” said Sen. Carter. “We cannot afford to wait any longer.”


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    If you want to be a true leader for the people of missouri then focus on the crimes committed in your own district by your white deplorable brethren and quit trying to score political points by exaggerating the truth about the border. Unfortunately, this elected individual, like all the political hacks like her, have no concept of truth, trust, or decency.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Exaggerating the truth about the border wow keep gaslighting your fellow dems but the free thinkers know what’s going on.

      The truth is the border is open compliments of the Biden Harris regime,

      The truth is the Biden Harris regime is still running things.

      The truth is Harris Waltz regime will only do worse.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      4:23, The truth is the border hasn't changed, because Biden is using Trump's EXACT border policies. You're spreading more lies.

  2. Elvis Presley6:51 PM

    Yep, keep spewing your partisan ignorance 423. Boringly insignificant insight on full display.

    1. Anonymous4:24 AM

      6:51 just keep with the cult and repeat what they tell you

    2. Elvis Presley10:26 AM

      424. Your Faux News you obviously consume is making you appear unable to form or articulate any individual thought. Your repeated regurgitation of right wing talking points is quite boring and elementary. Find something original please.🥱🥱🥱
