Friday, September 06, 2024

KSN Report: Dr. John Joseph II faces two felony charges in connection with 2023 hit-and-run death

(This post has been changed to remove KSN's assertion that Dr. Joseph was the driver of the car that hit Gary LaTurner and Rocco Joseph was a witness. An updated story with information taken directly from the charging documents can be found at the link below:

A Joplin dentist was charged with two felonies in connection with the August 19, 2023 hit-and-run accident that killed pedestrian Gary Wayne LaTurner, 60, Galena, Kansas

KSN reports John Joseph II has been charged with leaving the scene of a fatality accident and contributing to a child's misconduct.

The child in question would appear to be Joseph's son, Rocco Joseph. The new charges come six months after Cherokee County District Attorney Kurt Benecke filed the leaving the scene of a fatality crash charge against Rocco Joseph, who was 17 at the time the accident occurred and when the charge was filed. Joseph was charged as a juvenile.

The accident was investigated by the Kansas State Highway Patrol.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Well well well......I wonder how tanked the Ol' Doc was, that night?

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      High as a kite. He loves some oxy

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    What will they think of next?

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Isn't the son's name actually Rocco Joseph Bazzano?

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM


    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      He’s the grandson of Steve Bazzano and John Joseph, from Galena.

    3. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Is the name of the accused Rocco Henry Bazzano Joseph?

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Why didn't the person that hit him stop..
      Only one person is guilty of running him over not the 1200 plus cars that passed afterwards. That's absurd

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I would wait until the evidence comes out before I make accusations. It’s interesting that there were 3 ambulances, 2 police cars, 3 people at 3 separate times that passed the scene and 1,258 vehicles that drove past the accident site from time of accident until body was discovered.
    Why didn’t ANYONE STOP?
    Please get a copy of the police report and charges before you slander the family.
    Poor reporting!

    1. Anonymous12:14 AM

      While the story is not unbalanced it attempts to cover the required details without giving enough details to truly understand the situation. As the editor they have to find the line where details are indeed relevant and the family who would undoubtedly like the story to not run at all. If the story is important enough to cover then it's important to be comprehensive in coverage. Thank you anonymous for offering more details that help us understand the complexity of any story.

    2. Anonymous6:34 AM

      They won’t release much more. I’m sure he’ll plead out.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Well it was in the middle of the night…do you think the body was put there the next morning? What a stupid comment.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      FYI… The person’s testimony who reported the body will clear up a LOT of the false and or misleading misinformation.

    5. Anonymous8:39 AM

      How do we know how many vehicles passed the scene where the dentist and his child left a man to die at? Let him linger in pain and suffer until he died.

  5. Anonymous1:12 AM

    ........this is the first I've read that the boy, Rocco, was NOT the driver. In fact, this is the first I've read Dr. John Joseph II was in any way involved with Mr. LaTurner's death. Did I miss this bit of info somewhere? Or is this just now coming out?

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      It's a new "story". They should add lying to the charges.

    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      The father wasn’t driving.

  6. He's reporting the facts from law enforcement and the attorney's office. lol

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Actually the charge was NOT driving the vehicle.

  7. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Finally he gets his. He’s been in trouble and got away with so much. He like to give out narcotics prescriptions to his friends. He didn’t pay his employees like he was supposed to and he with drew the expense from there pay for there medical insurance for them to find out that they didn’t have insurance when they needed it. He then threatens those employees for turning him in for this and other illegal activity they witness in his office.This is a person that several allowed to work on there teeth, his patients had no idea all the stuff he was in trouble for or how he treated his staff, I hope it all comes out now and everyone finds out.
    So we knew he was a bad person and now he set his 17 yr old son up to take the fall for him on a hit and run. To save himself from prison. Throw the book at this worthless piece of crap person. He deserves to live his life behind bars and the family of mr. Laturner deserves justice and the truth about there love one.

  8. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Sounds like the dad is taking the fall for his kid. The story makes no sense when compared to the original article.

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Sounds like the dad thought his son would get away with it because he was a minor and used his son. The history of drug abuse and illegal activity points a lot more to the dad than the kid. Let’s ask the dad about all the other wrecks he was in where he just left without calling the cops all because he “fell asleep” while driving.

  9. Anonymous6:32 AM

    What a total scumbag father. I hope he gets held liable and has an example made of him. They live near us and they are not a wholesome family.

  10. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The Joseph Family has always been very influential in the Joplin Area, both Financially and in Real Estate - this will take further investigation and if the current facts are undisputable - they will need to use their Influence and Financial means to get Dr. Joseph off the hook.

    Let's not forget the Victim, Gary Wayne LaTurner, who was taken due to a Drunk Driver, thoughts and prayers to his family.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM


    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Sounds like the right family to me.

  11. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Dr. Joseph is a drug addict. He was first caught self prescribing decades ago. He can barely function to do dental work. He is also in a lot of financial trouble and writes narcotic prescriptions for profit. His time will come.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Absolutely true. Lets his son party like the devil. Obviously living on the funds of the richer and more connected Josephs in town.

      It appears he attempted to sell out his son, which is morally bankrupt.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Jay Joseph’s family lives way above their means. Many times unable to pay their bills and being sued because of it. Then the constant claims that people he hired to do work for him didn’t do what he wanted so he has his lawyer get him out of paying them. Doesn’t of people have been screwed by him. His home security system, his pool, construction when re building his home after the tornado. Suppliers for his dental office, dental labs. It’s a sad life to feel you need to put a show on for the community when you can barely pay your bills

    3. Anonymous11:29 AM

      KM- For someone who’s always gloating about their wealth this is an ironic comment. Will we be reading about you next?

    4. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Who is KM?

  12. Anonymous12:02 PM

    9:38PM - what does the Traffic Report have to do with Dr. John Joseph II, hitting someone and then leaving the scene of Crime and then trying to use his son as an escape goat, and lying about it?

    So are all the News Reporting Agencies and the Police Department - Lying and Slandering Dr. John Joseph II - or are you just afraid to see the Truth for yourself that this man is a Drunk, Drug Addict, and Liar?

    If you are Related to him - We can understand you trying to Protect him - but there is too much Truth in this Story and to many Negative things in his Past that clearly shows the type of Moral Characteristics he has.

    Remember - Gary Wayne LaTurner, the Victim, lost his Life. His Family Deserves Justice - Enough Said!!!

  13. Anonymous1:34 PM

    There is more to the story Dr J was trying to protect his son. It backfired. Read the 2nd article Randy posted. This is a tragic situation. Two families destroyed over the wrong decision being made. I am not going to judge but pray for both families.

  14. Anonymous1:49 PM

    12:02 spot on

    Gary Wayne LaTurner Is the victim, Never forget the victim and their families.

  15. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Everyone’s time would be better spent praying for all those involved rather than spewing such vitriol
