Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Marcellus Williams executed after U.S. Supreme Court rejects final appeal

By Rudi Keller

Just a few hours after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected his final appeal, Missouri officials executed Marcellus Williams Tuesday at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre.

Williams, who was backed in his appeals for clemency by St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, left only a single sentence — “All praise to Allah in every situation” — in his last statement, KMOV TV reported.

Williams was sentenced to death for the 1998 slaying of Felicia Gayle, a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, who was stabbed more than 40 times.

None of the physical evidence at the crime scene, including fingerprints, bloodied shoe prints and hairs, could be tied to Wiliams. He was arrested based on the testimony of a jailhouse informant, who said Williams confessed the murder.

During testimony at his murder trial, Williams’ then-girlfriend also said he confessed to the killing. Williams picked her up the day of Gayle’s slaying wearing a jacket over a bloody shirt and with scratches on his neck. She saw a laptop in his car – later shown to have been stolen from Gayle’s apartment – and a purse in the trunk, with Gayle’s identification card.

In the final effort to free Williams or reduce his sentence, Bell filed a case under a 2021 state law allowing prosecutors to bring new evidence to the courts. It was the first time the law has been used in a death penalty case.

Bell filed the case in January, arguing there was “clear and convincing evidence” that potential jurors had been excluded based on race and questioning whether DNA evidence on the knife that killed Gayle had been contaminated by careless handling.

The Missouri Supreme Court heard a final appeal of the ruling in that case on Monday, and found the evidence was not convincing.

Bell “failed to demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence Williams’ actual innocence or constitutional error at the original criminal trial that undermines the confidence in the judgment of the original criminal trial,” Judge Zel Fischer wrote in the opinion.

The Department of Corrections declared Williams dead at 6:10 p.m. after a lethal injection, the Kansas City Star reported.

Bell issued a statement that he remained convinced Williams should have been spared.

“Marcellus Williams should be alive today,” Bell said. “There were multiple points in the timeline when decisions could have been made that would have spared him the death penalty. If there is even the shadow of a doubt of innocence, the death penalty should never be an option. This outcome did not serve the interests of justice.”

State Rep. Crystal Quade, the Democratic candidate for governor, issued a statement over social media saying that she disagreed with allowing the execution to proceed.

“I’ve always stood firm in my stance that the state should not execute potentially innocent people. Marcellus Williams is no different,” Quade said.

There was no statement from Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe, the Republican candidate.

Gov. MIke Parson, in a statement on Monday stating he would not stop the execution, said he was not convinced by any appeals.

“No jury nor court, including at the trial, appellate, and Supreme Court levels, have ever found merit in Mr. Williams’ innocence claims,” Parson said. “At the end of the day, his guilty verdict and sentence of capital punishment were upheld. Nothing from the real facts of this case have led me to believe in Mr. Williams’ innocence, as such, Mr. Williams’ punishment will be carried out as ordered by the Supreme Court.”

Williams is the 100th person executed by Missouri since 1989, when executions resumed after a two-decade lapse.


  1. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Death sentence should be executed within one month after being imposed. 20-30 years later is insulting to the victim.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Literally the definition of cruel and unusual punishment….

  2. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Missouri and it's red midevil beliefs are an embarrassment to civilized societies world over. This was pure racially charged murder on part of the state.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      How so?

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I’m not familiar with this case but how many times has a jail house snitch been wrong, or just lied to soften their sentence.

      Im all for capital punishment as long as it’s crystal clear, this doesn’t appear to be crystal clear

  3. Anonymous7:47 AM

    What a Ridiculous Statement 5:29AM, and an Inhuman Comment to the Victims and their Family and Friends of Murders.

    Why are you Democrats - So Liberal, Radical, and Leftist that you continue to fail to Recognize the Rights of Victims of these Heinous Crimes. You think all these Criminals can all be Rehabilitated and Find God - Well that Cannot.

    It is an Embarrassment that we as a Society would allow these Criminals 20-30 Years to Walk this Planet when the Victims of these Crimes will never have that Opportunity again, and their Families and Friends have to Relive this Over and Over again, until their Punishment is Carried Out.

    You probably still believe that OJ Simpson was Innocent - and that Charles Manson was just miss understood - PLEASE TAKE OFF YOUR ROSE COLORED GLASSES AND JOIN REALITY.

    People do Bad and Terrible things to others in this World - They have a Choice and must Pay the Consequences for their Actions.

    This Sad Story of - I had a Bad Life, I am on Drugs, Etc., Etc., Etc., is just Excuses - The must then Pay for these Choices they make - This is why we have Laws.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Hey, @7:47AM, did you know that the victims family also did not want him executed?

      It's almost as if Mike Parson is complicit on the lynching of an innocent man, because not only has he maintained his innocence from day 1, but there is not enough evidence to prove, without a doubt, that he was guilty.

      How would you like to be wrongfully accused, sentenced, and murdered?

      You're just upset because someone said "red" and "medieval" in the same sentence.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    If self-awareness was a typical trait conservatives possessed, there would be drastically fewer of them.

  5. Anonymous8:04 AM

    12:54PM and 3:03PM - He was - NOT INNOCENT - There whole Appeal is about No DNA at the Murder Scene - Yet if he used Gloves - there would be no DNA - He has a Vast History of Criminal Activities - 15-Felonies that he got Caught on - All Similar to this Charge - The Question is how many Crimes he got away with before getting Caught?

    He got Caught with the Victims Stolen Possessions, even Selling her Laptop, Purse, and then Confessing to the Murder - MY GOD to his Girlfriend and Others, Who Testified Against Him - What does it take to Prove to you Liberals that he Killed - Felicia Gayle on August 11, 1998. He is a Criminal a Thug - Who deserved to Die for his Crimes.

    Take-Off Your Rose Colored Glasses Liberals - He was no Choir Boy - then he Finds Religion in Jail and Converts to Islam - With his Last Words being - “All praise be to Allah in every situation!” - No Remorse!!! STOP THE LIES -
    Just because Ms. Gayle's Relatives - felt Sorry for this Piece of Shitz - Doesn't mean that the Law should give any Special Treatment to this Murderer...

    You Liberals - Feel Sorry for this Criminal, this Murderer, Yet - Abortion - Which is Killing Children - Who did Nothing is Alright in your Playbook - What a Bunch of Liberal Fools...

    DNA technology and testing before trial did not examine “touch DNA," based on standard techniques and practices at the time. Additionally, subsequent DNA testing has never exonerated Williams.

    Williams has a robust criminal history, including 15 felony convictions in addition to offenses related to Ms. Gayle's murder: robbery (2), armed criminal action (2), assault (2), burglary (4), stealing (3), stealing a motor vehicle, and unlawful use of a weapon, which is all consistent with entering the home, attacking Ms. Gayle, and taking her items.

    Williams confessed the murder to his girlfriend soon after committing his horrific crime once his girlfriend found Ms. Gayle’s purse in Williams’ car, but he also threatened to kill her and her family if she told anyone, readily explaining why his girlfriend did not approach law enforcement until Williams was in custody.

    The girlfriend never requested the reward for information about Ms. Gayle’s murder, despite claims that she was only interested in money.

    When speaking with law enforcement, the jailhouse informant provided information about the crime that was not publicly available, yet consistent with crime scene evidence and Williams’ involvement.

    Other individuals were present when Williams bragged about this murder, and they were disclosed to Williams’ team before trial and have been discussed in subsequent proceedings.

    Gayle’s personal items were found in the trunk of Williams’ car.
    Williams sold Ms. Gayle’s husband’s laptop to another individual who later identified Williams as the seller.

    Williams’ disrespect for others’ well-being and aversion to order have continued in prison, including attacking other inmates and threatening correctional officers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Elvis Presley11:44 AM

    The pubs evidently aren't adversely affected to death and dying because gun violence, school shootings, and state sponsored death seem to have the green light with no meaning whatsoever.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    He Is Guilty - - This is what the Pollice Found and the Prosecutors Presented -
    Any Normal Person would have Found him Guilty of Murder - Just because they did not find any of his DNA at the scene -

    How did he get the Victims - Laptop, Purse, Personal Items - that he Sold and was found in his Car. Why did he Confess the Murder to his Girlfriend and his Friends and then Threaten to Kill them if they said anything. Maybe he Threatened the Victim's Family too? Facts Do Not Lie - - He is Guilty as Charged.

    DNA technology and testing before trial did not examine “touch DNA," based on standard techniques and practices at the time. Additionally, subsequent DNA testing has never exonerated Williams.

    Williams has a robust criminal history, including 15 felony convictions in addition to offenses related to Ms. Gayle's murder: robbery (2), armed criminal action (2), assault (2), burglary (4), stealing (3), stealing a motor vehicle, and unlawful use of a weapon, which is all consistent with entering the home, attacking Ms. Gayle, and taking her items.

    Williams confessed the murder to his girlfriend soon after committing his horrific crime once his girlfriend found Ms. Gayle’s purse in Williams’ car, but he also threatened to kill her and her family if she told anyone, readily explaining why his girlfriend did not approach law enforcement until Williams was in custody.

    The girlfriend never requested the reward for information about Ms. Gayle’s murder, despite claims that she was only interested in money.

    When speaking with law enforcement, the jailhouse informant provided information about the crime that was not publicly available, yet consistent with crime scene evidence and Williams’ involvement.

    Other individuals were present when Williams bragged about this murder, and they were disclosed to Williams’ team before trial and have been discussed in subsequent proceedings.

    Gayle’s personal items were found in the trunk of Williams’ car.
    Williams sold Ms. Gayle’s husband’s laptop to another individual who later identified Williams as the seller.

    Williams’ disrespect for others’ well-being and aversion to order have continued in prison, including attacking other inmates and threatening correctional officers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    To be quite honest, the moment there was any doubt from the prosecutors the process of executing him should have immediately been halted. I'm fundamentally opposed to the death sentence because of these scenarios, but if we are going to do them we need to be 110% sure that they did it.

  9. Anonymous2:55 PM

    How much more Evidence do you Liberals Need - No they Did Not Have a Video of the Murder, but what about all the rest of the Evidence - Please don't tell us that the Police Planted it - Please have something better than that!!!

    He had her Personal Items, Sold her Laptop, had Her Purse in his Car, he admitted Killing her to his Girlfriend and Others - PLEASE - STOP - Making Criminals into Innocent, Law-Abiding Citizens - When these Creep had 15+ Felonies for Similar Acts of Violence.

    1. Whataboutism at its finest. What about all of the inconsistencies from the prosecution?

      You have nothing, other than gleefully defending the murder of a black man.

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Need to stop w Dem/Rep slants and get to the root of issues. Political party support does not automatically put you in one field of thought or another.

    He was found guilty. We have to be tougher on crime and crimes against humanity. He was absolutely guilty to 110%.

    The law is the law. If you don’t like it then run for office and change our laws vs bitching about it and make a change.

    1. Elvis Presley10:19 AM

      Totally agree with 846, if this man was white, no doubt he's alive today. Face the facts, Republicans see immigrants and people of color as acceptable loss because they're "overtaking America" and are a threat to white america....(spoken verbatim from your trump-god). I'm saying it again; school shootings, mass shootings, and state sponsored murder, are of little to no concern to the maga cult. Acceptable collateral death.

  11. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Christains, conservatives, all of us who live in reality, just stop commenting, your not going to change them, save them, your just giving them a reason to spew their hate

  12. Anonymous5:37 PM

    6:22AM, Elivs-AKA 10:19AM - Please - How did he have Ms. Gayle's (the Victims) Items, Purse, Etc., and he Sold her Laptop to a Third Party and was Identified by that Person that he Sold it to - How did he have those Items in his Possession - Did the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Jack-O-Lantern, St. Patrics Day Leprechaun give them to him.

    Just Answer this Simple Question, without making yourself look Ridiculous, Nieve, and Stupid - Why did all the Jurors and Appeals Courts Agree with the Outcome? All the Evidence Points to him - Matlock!!!

    We are not all Racist - Why do some always turn Simple Truths in to becoming a Racial Matter??? If he was White - the same Logic would hold the same Answers - How did he have all of her Items in his Possession?

    Try Thinking - - Just maybe you will Figure it Out... Has America Dumbed Down This Much - I am afraid for our Future...

    1. Elvis Presley4:03 PM

      Is it apparent to anyone else that if you were to tell 537 there are Martians in their backyard, they would write 4 to 5 paragraphs describing how they landed and the justification for there existence? Your gullibility 537 is extraordinarily humorous, however, the case in question has many holes in it's prosecution. But you can't or don't want to know do you?
