Friday, September 20, 2024

Missouri Supreme Court voted 4-3 to keep abortion on ballot, newly released opinions show

By Anna Spoerre

The decision to keep a constitutional amendment legalizing abortion on the November statewide ballot was decided by a narrowly-divided Missouri Supreme Court, according to opinions released Friday.

The majority opinion was written by Judge Paul Wilson, with Chief Justice Mary Russell, Judge Robin Ranson and Judge Brent Powell concurring.

The dissent was authored by Judge Kelly Broniec, with Judge Zel Fisher and Judge Ginger Gooch concurring in the dissent.

Amendment 3, if approved by a simple majority, would legalize abortion up until the point of fetal viability and protect other reproductive rights, including birth control. Abortion is illegal in Missouri with limited exceptions for medical emergencies. There are no exceptions for victims or rape or incest.

The Supreme Court, while divided, made one point clear in both the majority and dissenting opinions: “this case is not about abortion.”

“It concerns only what information the constitution requires proponents to include on any initiative petition,” Wilson wrote in the majority opinion. “It is about form and procedure, not substance.”

Wilson was appointed to the court by then-Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon. Russell was appointed by former Democratic Gov. Robert Holden. Powell was appointed by former Republican Gov. Eric Greitens, and Ranson was appointed by current Republican Gov. Mike Parson

Broniec and Gooch were appointed by Parson, and Fisher was appointed by Republican Gov. Matt Blunt.

Both Gooch and Broniec are up for retention elections this year.

The initial case stemmed from a lawsuit filed in late August by a group of anti-abortion lawmakers and activists claiming the initiative petition that was later certified and approved as an amendment, failed to follow a number of laws.

This includes a section of state law requiring initiative petitions “include all sections of existing law or of the constitution which would be repealed by the measure.”

The plaintiffs — state Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, state Rep. Hannah Kelly, anti-abortion activist Kathy Forck and shelter operator Marguerite Forrest — sued Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft arguing the initiative petition failed to state any laws that would be repealed if it passed.


Attorneys for Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, the campaign behind the ballot measure, have said the amendment would not repeal the state’s current abortion law or take it off the books. Instead, they told the courts, it would create a new law that would supersede much of the existing one because not every element of the current law would be rendered moot, including laws protecting women who get abortions from prosecution.

They also argued anything that falls under the scope of the amendment would be left to the judicial system to interpret and not truly repealed just in the amendment’s passing.

A majority of the Supreme Court ruled that interpreting the law to require listing every possible provision that could be impacted by an amendment would have “absurd effects.”

“It seems reasonable to expect that few – if any – initiative petitions could survive under such a statute,” Wilson wrote.

He added that to interpret the statute as such would be unconstitutional because it would impede citizens’ right to the initiative petition process.

“In fact,” Wilson wrote, “it is hard to imagine how a statute could impair and impede the initiative process more.”

Broniec, in her dissent, took a broader interpretation of the word “repeal,” saying that it is also defined as the ability to “effectively render invalid.”

She called the majority opinion “an absurd result contrary to the plain language” of the state constitution.

If Amendment 3 passes, Broniec wrote, Missouri’s current abortion ban cannot continue to stand. She noted a handful of other current laws that could be in conflict with the amendment, including parental consent for minors and the mandatory 72-hour waiting period between meeting with a doctor and receiving an abortion.


“Today’s opinion from the Missouri Supreme Court was a complete rejection of the anti-abortion politicians’ arguments and attempts to subvert our constitutional right to vote to protect reproductive freedom,” Tori Schafer, an attorney with the ACLU of Missouri, said in a statement Friday. “Including access to abortion, birth control and miscarriage care.”

Coleman, one of the plaintiffs, wrote on social media Friday that she agreed the issue at hand wasn’t abortion.

“It is about abrogating the will of the general assembly,” Coleman wrote. “By using absurd arguments to reach their desired result.”

Mary Catherine Martin, an attorney with the Thomas More Society who represented the plaintiffs, said in a statement Friday that she still believes the crafters of the initiative petition violated state laws.

“It should not require courage to clearly apply the law, but it does when powerful political forces oppose a just outcome,” Martin said. “We applaud the courage of these three dissenting judges.”

The Supreme Court published its decision on Aug. 10, a few hours after oral arguments were completed and less than three hours before the constitutional deadline to remove a question from the ballot.

In their decision, the majority reversed a lower court ruling made just four days earlier by Cole County Circuit Judge Christopher Limbaugh, who recommended the measure be stripped from the Nov. 5 ballot.

As part of its decision, the Supreme Court ordered that Ashcroft “certify to local election authorities that Amendment 3 be placed on the Nov. 5, 2024, general election ballot and shall take all steps necessary to ensure that it is on said ballot.”

A day earlier, Ashcroft, in an unprecedented move, attempted to decertify the ballot measure based on the lower court’s ruling, and temporarily removed Amendment 3 from the Secretary of State’s website.


Anonymous said...

The Blue Wave is coming to Missouri in November!

Anonymous said...

The so called 'pro life' republican zealots tried to screw around with the initiative process by using the courts to do their dirty work.

They were shut down like Todd Akin's last campaign.

Anonymous said...

There is zero chance of a "Blue Wave" coming to Missouri. Polls have been very clear that the same folks who will vote for Trump will overwhelmingly vote for Amendment 3. Missouri will stay red.

I do not believe in abortion except for life of the mother and/or sex crimes. However, I do not believe I have the right to deny an abortion to anyone. I will vote for 3 because, as a real conservative, not the crazy MAGA crowd, I believe the people can decide this issue and they will.

It was stupid to try and challenge this in courts. They knew what the polls said, that the majority of Missourians, including Democrats and Republicans, support access to abortion. Even Trump has stated he supports access to abortion (as I vomit in my mouth)

Abortion will never be codified nor will there ever been an amendment to the US Constitution to allow abortion.

Both sides of this issue have done damage to their causes. Name calling, hatred, violence, BS federal charges, and similar things will never allow this issue to be resolved to satisfy anyone. The only thing that is happening is politicians like Harris, Trump, Hawley, Kunce, etc fill their campaign coffers.

2016, 2020, and now 2024 we have dumpster fire candidates at levels of government. Trump is crazy and Harris cannot even face real questions and is dependent on set talking points....we are screwed.

Anonymous said...

Or do you think that America's Morals have changed - THE REAL TRUTH!!!

Can we STOP - Telling Lies Why Women and Liberal Causes - Want Abortions - When it comes down to Choices that these Women are making - They Need to Start Taking Responsibility and Use Protection and/or Not Put themselves into Situations where they End Up Pregnant - and then Use Abortion as an Excuse for their Behavior - "It is my Body and I can do what I want - Attitude", instead of taking - "RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS"...

This is the same thing Criminals do - "I Killed that Person, because it was their Fault - NOT MINE"... Excuses - Not Taking Responsibility -

Women and Liberal Causes have Lied for Years - that they have to have Abortion Rights, because of Rape and Incest and Health Reasons - when that Number is so Low that it becomes their Number One Reason they use to have and Justify Abortions.

Many people also grossly overestimate the percentage of abortions done to save women’s lives or physical health, in cases of rape and incest, or to avoid birth defects (eugenics). This is a fallacy that pro-abortion groups continue to cultivate because it helps them to spread abortion in nations with pro-life laws and to retain abortion on demand once they have achieved it.

The Article in USA Today clearly States that: Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Yet the battle over exceptions for both has garnered outsized attention in the national abortion debate.

Why - We cannot Deal with the TRUTH - - Why - Cannot these Women and Liberal Groups - STOP LYING - STOP USING EXECUSES, STOP IGNORING WHEN LIFE STARTS - Every human Embryologist, worldwide, states that the life of the new individual human being begins at Fertilization (conception).


1. Financial circumstances
2. Timing
3. Partner-related reasons
4. Parrent children and would be overwhelmed by having another.
5. Additionally, about 20% of people reported having an abortion because the timing would interfere with their future opportunities and goals.
6.They felt they could not continue their education or advance their careers while raising a baby.
7. Emotions and mental health
8. Other people said their housing situation was unsuitable for a baby.
9. Not independent or mature enough for a baby
10. Influences from family and friends
11. Some people had an abortion because they were too scared to tell their parents about their pregnancy, while a small proportion had pressure from family to end their pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

You are screwed because you can't recognize that the republicants are the problem.

Tim said...

We'll get through this rough patch of American history, we made it through the Ford, Carter, era. It's just four years. The people saying the country's democracy is in danger are the same people who say it's the most important election of our lifetime for every Democrat candidate for the last 30 years. The dehumanizing each other because "I think my opinion of who I vote for is morally right" is what is wrong currently. These Politicians haven't changed. Its people's idea of moral superiority and thinking everyone wants to know your opinion on politics, online or face to face.

Anonymous said...

Abortion isn’t health care….
Sterilization is health care!

Anonymous said...

We wanted to know if Democrats support abortion in the 9th month of pregnancy. So we talked to four Republicans at a Moms for Liberty rally in Pensacola.

Anonymous said...

Trump’s contradictory statements on abortion present a political challenge for Kamala Harris.

Anonymous said...

The people saying the country's democracy is in danger are the same people who say it's the most important election of our lifetime for every Republican candidate for the last 30 years.

Many of these people supported the Republican mob with Trump summoned to Washington D.C on January 6, 2021.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th Be there, will be wild!” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day.

It did get wild as Trump's election denying mob violently descended on the Capitol and temporarily stopped the certification of the election.

Tim said...

The government should not have a say about any adult's body male or female. I'm sorry but life at Conception is a misguided religious belief that shouldn't play any part when creating legislation. Is there a line that should be drawn 14 weeks 18 weeks. At any point after that there is an argument that you're killing a soul.
These are all valid reasons to have abortion.
1. Financial circumstances
2. Timing
3. Partner-related reasons
4. Parrent children and would be overwhelmed by having another.
5. Additionally, about 20% of people reported having an abortion because the timing would interfere with their future opportunities and goals.
6.They felt they could not continue their education or advance their careers while raising a baby.
7. Emotions and mental health
8. Other people said their housing situation was unsuitable for a baby.
9. Not independent or mature enough for a baby
10. Influences from family and friends
11. Some people had an abortion because they were too scared to tell their parents about their pregnancy, while a small proportion had pressure from family to end their pregnancy

Anonymous said...

Tim-1:54PM - NO, AGAIN - These are all Excuses and Lack of Personal Responsibility for your Actions.

When Asked - Why did the Murderer Kill their Victim - Their Answer - Because it was the Victim's Fault - EXCUSES - NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY.

Stop making Excuses - Take Responsibility -

Why Does - Every human Embryologist, worldwide, states that the life of the new individual human being begins at Fertilization (conception).

Tim - Are you Worldwide Renowned in Anything - I DOUBT IT - Is everyone Else Wrong Except You - When Life Begins - - I am not even Bringing Up Religion, Politics, Etc., these are just Scientific Facts - -

Can We Stop the Lies about Abortion - - Deal with the Truth - Accountability, Responsibility, Not Excuses, Not Do-Overs, or Dealing with People that Lack those Qualities to do the Right Thing.

Anonymous said...

Probably had to ask at a Republican rally because the Democrat candidates won't answer the question.

Anonymous said...

Akin's stupid comments caused him the election and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

3:18 Can I get an Amen Bother!!!
Unfortunately they just turn their noses up in the air in unless it’s a green energy deal or an experimental jab.

Anonymous said...

Men and Women! Wake up! Sex will happen eventually in everyone’s life; whether within the marital bed, or otherwise. Often resulting in pregnancy. Let’s face it; responsible birth control may fail; some people regardless of age may have not been prepared for sex at the precise moment it occurred to happen; this a normal part of life. I also know many people who are desperate to have children. Amendment 3 takes care of both situations. It keeps responsible choices available, it helps with the unprepared, and it will allow desperate families desiring children to have access to IVF, and other aid. NONE OF THIS HAPPENS WITHOUT A YES VOTE on Amendment 3. Politics have no place in our bedrooms, our doctor’s offices, or in an emergency room. Nor, do they have a place legislating the God given right of free choice and will. If you want to still be able to act responsibly, to make better choices, and to have families you otherwise may not have enjoyed, then tell the Missouri legislature you want to make that decision for your body and your family. That is what a yes vote on
Amendment 3 accomplishes. Put the Missouri Legislature back in its place. Remind them they do not get to make personal choices about all of our reproductive freedoms. We do. We are not second class citizens who need to have every intimate detail of our lives monitored, mandated, or manipulated by their collective choices. The choice is our own.

Anonymous said...

318 is complete ignorance in unadulterated form. We're do these people come from?

Anonymous said...

We come from our momma you know she’s a woman, that’s how it works.
I’ll give you wokes a bone I will 100% vote for biological men to have an abortion, That should make you happy.

Anonymous said...

@3:18 Your Embryologist claim is a blatant lie. Even if it were true, it is only a consensus from a biological standpoint, it still leaves room for debate on the philosophical, legal, and ethical viewpoints.