Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rocco Joseph can take his midterms, hearing canceled in fatal hit-and-run case

(The headline and story have been changed to reflect that Joseph is taking his midterms this week, not his finals.)

The initial appearance of Rocco Joseph, 18, Joplin, on leaving the scene of a fatality accident, will not be held October 7 as originally scheduled.

Cherokee County, Kansas District Court records show Judge Maradeth Frederick canceled the hearing, though there are no documents indicating why.

The decision comes after Joseph's attorney, Thomas J. Bath, Leawood, Kansas, filed a motion asking that the hearing be delayed at least a week because his client, who is attending college in Mississippi has midterms that week.

Court records indicate the hearing has not been rescheduled as of this morning.

Joseph was allegedly behind the wheel of a vehicle that struck and killed Gary LaTurner, 60, Galena, August 19, 2023.

The initial hearing for Joseph's father, John Joseph II, a Joplin dentist, on a charge of leaving the scene of a fatality accident, is still scheduled for 1 p.m. October 7 in front of Judge Frederick, according to court records. 

The elder Joseph is also charged with "contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation."

Reportedly, Cherokee County District Attorney Kurt Benecke is alleging Dr. Joseph was the driver of another vehicle that arrived on the scene following the accident, then left without doing anything for LaTurner.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Stay strong prosecutors. Don’t let this vile family buy their way out yet Again, this time for Murder

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Rocco Joseph - Gets a Continuance to take his School Finals - If he and his Dad do not receive similar Justice of 7-Years then our Justice System needs to answer to the Citizens for favoring - Wealth and Power!

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Would hate to interrupt his school finals, and throw his whole schedule off. Such an inconvenience that would be.

    It's not like somebody is actually dead, and an entire family and community has to suffer with a loss, but by all means, let's not inconvenience money and power within the local community.

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    For sure they don't want to mess up another life. Sad!

  5. Anonymous4:50 AM

    What a Trashy Family, lots of money but still Trash

  6. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Sounds similar to a trump trail. Do they have the same lawyers? By some chance are they related? Or are they (the lawyers and that family) magas? Justice system needs to improve, too many people are getting off or their sentences are getting way too laxed. That was a hit and run, he should be in jail and not out running around. The person he killed isn’t. Money talks and BS walks. Get better people in those offices that will do what is right and will follow the laws of this country!

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      5:31 I’m just curious you mentioned MAGA so I assume you’re a Dem or other. So what’s your stance on illegal entry to the country? I’m referencing your last sentence.

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Not the original commenter, but if you want to talk about illegal entry to the country...Let's start with Melanomia Trump.

      She reportedly obtained an "Einstein Visa"? After doing some sort of modeling? Ocasionally with uh...' limited clothing'? Totally believable!


    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      12:27 reportedly are you fing serious? Maybe it was Russian collusion! Go get your booster and stay tuned to CNN

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Money talks!
