Thursday, October 17, 2024

Neosho school officials: Threatening school shooting on internet is "inappropriate"

 KSNF is reporting Neosho Police are asking for charges to be filed in juvenile court concerning a threat of a school shooting and doctored pictures of BB guns that were posted on the internet.

The threat, which said the shooting would take place Wednesday at Neosho Junior High, prompted several parents to begin removing their children from the school.

Neosho Police determined the threats were a hoax, according to the KSNF story. Those who were allegedly involved were two boys and a 12-year-old girl.

The district issued a message to parents Tuesday noting that TikTok videos were circulating regarding school threats.

While none of the information has been deemed credible by NSD (Neosho School District), you may see an increased security presence in the district from the city of Neosho as a precaution. The safety of our students and staff is always our top priority.

By Wednesday, the threats were apparently becoming more specific as R-5 officials posted a second message:

No mention was made of threats. District officials had another name for it.

Upon further information and investigation, the Neosho School District Police Department has determined that NSD students were posting inappropriate content which disrupted the learning environment.

District officials noted once again that "the safety of our students and staff remains our top priority and we are working closely with the City of Neosho Police Department to ensure a secure environment."


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The perpetrators need strongly worded letters of admonition placed in their files!

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Let’s be honest, you could have written that message for them and you’d still bitch about it.

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Something I never thought would happen, the Neosho school district actually did something right. The administrators at Joplin could learn something from this and learn to not brush off threats, hoax or not.

    1. Butch Haircut5:31 AM

      These little bastards need their enrollment revolked from the district and forced to submit a public letter of apology to the students and parents of not only this district, but an open letter to the entire area. There has to be no tolerance with obvious disciplinary actions that are tangible and known. These threats upon innocents deserve punitive punishment. Also a shout out to you 2nd amendment deplorables who think guns are the answer and who have blood on your hands. This scourge on our schools and country is fueled and propagated by you.

  4. Anonymous5:21 AM

    When will these 3 inappropriate acting kids be allowed back in school?

  5. Anonymous5:24 AM

    These three juveniles and their parents need to be punished and understand that in today's environment - there actions are not just a typical prank.

    7:17PM - "Strongly Worded Letters" - NO - They need to understand this Severity. Again, the juveniles and their parents - need to be punished and help accountable - We have got to Stop the Slaps on the Wrist - What Next Bomb Threats from these Kids - - NO - since the Parents did not do their job raising these Kids - the Courts need to Act - and Act Quickly to show any other Kids that - Actions have Consequences - We have turned into a Society where - Everyone is a Victim and thus - Can Say or Do Anything without Consequences. We have got to Stop this Insanity - -

    Yes, and before anyone says anything about the parents - they are responsible for their children and should be held accountable - just as we are seeing in the past school shootings - parents whether or not complicit are responsible and need to do their jobs as parents.

  6. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I believe that the students involved should have to reimburse the taxpayers for the added expense of extra security that has to be implemented during the "inappropriate" hoax that they created.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    So there was no threat just a picture of BB guns? Is that what I’m reading. I guess I don’t see a crime here, I believe I’d get me a good lawyer and make some money off the school district. Free speech Trumps the feelings police all day long.

  8. Anonymous10:57 AM

    9:22AM - Some BB guns look very Real - whether Real or Not a Threat in any Form is a THREAT - and they need to be held accountable. If you do not See a Crime - then you're as Dumb as the 7:17PM - Who wants to put a letter in their School File - COMMON this was a THREAT - Plain and Simple.

    Just Like - Is it illegal to shout fire in a theater?

    Furthermore, within the doctrine of first amendment protected free speech within the United States, yelling "fire!" as speech is not itself the legally problematic event, but rather, "there are scenarios in which intentionally lying about a fire in a crowded theater and causing a stampede might lead to a disorderly ...

    No, you cannot garnish a gun in public without breaking the law:

    It's a crime to brandish a firearm in public or in private if it's done in a threatening manner or used in a fight, unless it's in lawful self-defense.

    Brandishing a firearm can result in severe legal repercussions, including substantial fines, potential imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record.

    So, No these little Bastards do not have any Constitutional Rights - this Picture justifies a Threat and they need to be Held Accountable.

  9. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I would love to see the pictures, come on someone has them send them to Randy let him post them.

  10. Anonymous1:47 PM

    As someone who currently goes to the Neosho Junior High, I can personally say that it wasn’t even made that big a deal by most of the teachers, most of them just acted as if it was a completely normal day. The only thing that I noticed in terms of extra safety measures was the couple more police officers there and the doors leading to classrooms were locked. The kids however were not taking it lightly. They were everywhere from scared to even plotting escaping in case it was for real. I despite kids being gone and getting checked out was a lot more common that day and the next, it was basically just a normal day. Kids even joked around about the shooting, saying “it’s boutta happen!” In a joking manner when it was scheduled to, which was 3rd lunch. I wish they did more about it, but my big thing is on why the hell this even happened. Did they think it would be funny or something?

    1. Dept. Of Education1:29 PM

      922 is an obvious oblivious ogre of an individual to conflate bb guns with false alarms and school shootings. I suggest you go sit in any school hallway and repeat your short-sighted BS to any group of students. You'll incur the rightous wrath deservedly meant to thoroughly humiliate your rightwing BS attitude and statement and put you back in your deserved bucket with the rest of your deplorable magats.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      1:29 I bet you raised weak kids if you raised them at all

  11. Anonymous11:49 AM

    1:47PM - No Joking Matter - No Normal Day... The School and the Police Department were taking it very SERIOUS... I am surprised that they did not Cancel School - Just in Case...

    Kids, should not have to be Scared or Plotting an Escape Route from School, while trying to get an Education.

    This is a VERY SERIOUS MATTER - - All these Kids and their Parents need to help Accountable for this Threat - They all need to be Expelled and Legal Charges Filed against them. They all need to Learn that these Threats will not be Tolerated by Society.

    1. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Tell us SOMETHING we don't know 1149. I cringe everytime I READ one of your entries BECAUSE you're stuck on thinking NO one knows AS much AS YOU. 🙃

  12. Anonymous7:48 AM

    8:56PM - Thanks for admitting you know nothing about the Topic, since you never comment on it, just other's comments. Get a new act, this one is as old and dumb as you are. You just want to try and start arguments or meaningless discussions about nothing - Again, if you know so much comment on the Article. You have been asked and warned by Multiple Contributors about your continual attacks and not contributing about the Articles right in front of you.

    So, if you have something to add about the Article, we are all waiting for those magic thoughts to dribble out of that that small brain which is why you have limited behavioral abilities and lacking in cognitive and mental capacities or years of taking lithium for your manic and bipolar disorder. 😜

  13. Angela Kincaid10:41 AM

    Last year, FBI alerted the local authorities about a 13 year old student in Georgia, about a post he made saying he was going to shoot up a middle school the next day. When interviewed, he said he would never say such a thing, that his account must have been hacked. He was not charged.
    That Christmas his father bought him an AR weapon.
    This year he took his AR weapon to school, and murdered 2 students and 2 teachers.

  14. Anonymous4:44 PM

    10:41AM - Such a Tragic Situation. This is why you must take every Threat - Seriously. Children and Teachers should not have to live in Fear that they may not make it Home that Day.

    These Kids and Parents - Have to be held accountable - Not just Slaps on the Wrist or a Write-Ups in their School Folder. They need to be Expelled and Legally Charged - for these Crimes.

    This includes Idiots like 8:56PM - Who never offer any Insights, Thoughts, or Comments on the Topic, maybe because they cannot Read or Form any Ideas - just Negative Rhetoric about other's comments.

    I would tell everyone take this Incident as a Serious Situation - and these Threats as if they could Happen - Our Children, Our Teachers - Do Not Deserve to have their Lives put at Risk - So we are not Reading about another
    Tragic Loss of Life in our Community and Watching it on Unfold on Television. We do not want our Students or Teachers to be the latest Shooting Statistics.

    Since 2020 there have been over 217 School Shooting Incidents in the United States - some of these have been Fatal.

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Just happened - Last Saturday, October 19, 2024 - Another Shooting and more lives lost.

    Shooting in Mississippi after homecoming game at trail ride leaves 3 killed, 8 injured - these Shootings are becoming weekly events.

    The shooting occurred after the Holmes County Consolidated School's homecoming celebration.

    “The football team had won the homecoming game, and people wanted to go out and celebrate the win, but others didn’t have that same intention.

    So, 8:56PM - Do you want to make another Stupid Comment - - Threats are Real - We have got to Understand that Today a Threat can lead to Violence or Possible loss of Life.

    Take Threats Seriously - Children and Teachers should not have to live in Fear, just to get an Education or Celebrate any Event.

  16. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It’s almost like kids are being raised wrong who would have thought…..

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      811, 444,748. Same malarkey filled author. Complain all you want about constructive criticism over your unimpressive entries, but we're all waiting for you to come up with something original instead of the same old repeated regurgitation of something we all already know. 😴😴😴

  17. Anonymous1:58 PM

    6:26PM, Comment on the Article or don't comment at all. Stop focusing on the other's comments. Why don't you do something original and comment on the Article, Period!

  18. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Want constructive feedback or criticism 6:26PM - SHUT UP. Everyone is tired of your same old unimpressive entries, which say nothing. I am sure every time you upon up your mouth people gag. 🤔🤔 Give us your opinion on the article not your opinion on the comments - are you just dumb or can you not read, it says Comment as: - - - 🤢🤢🤢 You show you lack of respect, knowledge, and cognitive ability every single comment you make. Or to put it simpler, what a Giant Loser you really are - So, Karen / Kevin - or whatever Pronoun or Rainbow Faction you are, stop bothering everyone and return to your basement, where you can impress everyone with your years of playing Dungeons & Dragons.
