Monday, September 05, 2005

Blunt: Only so much government can do

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt is defending the Bush Administration on charges that it didn't do enough to prevent the kind of catastrophic situation that Katrina has brought to the South.
In an Associated Press story, Blunt said New Orleans received money for flood control projects in the late 1990s.
"There was less money spent after that huge project, as, of course, there would be," Blunt is quoted as saying in the article. "Any time you do a big building project, when that project's over, the next year you spend less money.
"This is not something that government can always prevent," Blunt said. "You know, God is actually bigger and nature is bigger than we are, and this is one of those instances."
The article indicated that New Orleans was only prepared for a probable situation and not for a worst-case scenario.

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