Monday, September 05, 2005

Katrina will not slow down Bush tax plan

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt intends to continue pushing tax cuts for the wealthy, despite the Katrina situation, according to The Washington Post.
Blunt of Missouri said he has "every intention of pushing forward with the tax and spending cuts and Social Security legislation" this month. He added that any legislation to help with Katrina will not be controversial and that it "may mean we work on a Friday or two."


  1. Anonymous3:17 PM

    We may not be able to get rid of George Bush in November of 06, but we sure as hell can send Roy Blunt packing. It is called change of circumstance and I can't believe this guy does not know that.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I don't care who you vote for, I'll vote for Roy.

  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I'll vote for Roy.....why not throw out the New Orleans city fathers who took money for levee improvements and used it to dock casino boats?

    Some people's thinking reminds me of the onion theory..

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Clearly you can see by the color of the faces on television who were left without food, water and communication that Bush would of course proceed with his tax cuts for the wealthy. If Roy Blunt goes along with them, then shame on him too. If you want to know why the situation got screwed up so bad so quick, take a look at the man running FEMA. Check out his resume and find out what qualifications he has that would make him the man for that job. The number one qualification is he is a friend of Bush's former college roommate. Mr. Bush, like Matt Blunt, Roy's son, are both guilty of giving their friends and campaign contributors cushy jobs for which they are not qualified. Listen to the report by Daniel Shore on about Mr. Brown and you will understand why Bush and his buddies really don't care about those left behind.

  5. Anonymous8:36 PM

    NPR ... Daniel Shore!!!

    Ohhhh my!!!

  6. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I'm not one for assumptions, however either Mr. Anonymous is one of the wealthy few that Mr. Blunt's tax cuts will help or one of the misguided souls that will vote for everyone with an (R) by their name without really understanding how the issues affect them.

  7. Anonymous7:14 AM

    What a ridiculous statement. People who vote with that (R) by their name are actually the most educated people in the population. These are the facts. As for the statement about this being a race issue...that is comical. It is a POOR issue...not race. It is embarassing that Democrats are trying to attack the President and Republican party without knowing the facts. Would you really have people believe that any President (or party) would want to have this kind of a black eye on their legacy? Do you think they would really just sit back and say "hell, they are black...let's leave'em"? That is such an ignorant way of thinking. If anything a politician, any politician regardless of party affiliation, would see this as an opportunity to enhance their stature with the country and become a hero to all of those who are affected. Anyone who makes this a race issue should be completely embarasssed with their conduct. I am so sick of these unfounded attacks against the party in power. Grow up America.

  8. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The facts:
    1) the government FAILED in response to this disaster.
    2)Bush, Brown and Chertoff all stated that this catastrophe was not anticipated. The army corp of engineers among many others had warned that it could.
    3)Brown's only credentials - besides being a Bush Buddy - was being an employee of the Arabian Horse Association -and he was asked to leave that position.
    4)I have to go to work - with my MBA in hand - I would suggest you try to broaden your source of information, this blog is a good start!

  9. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Anonymous, you can't even imagine how sick America is after watching one blunder after another until this is your "Party in Power's" biggest failure ever! You might call it a POOR issue and not a race issue, but whatever you call it, it was those who haven't suffered enough to merit a living wage, living in the lower-lying "projects" who were left without food and water, and rescue far-too-late-in-coming. You don't sound as though you'd have a clue about even the misery they shared before Katrina. You, sir, along with others of you ilk, are the ones who should be sick! Almighty God Bless America and help us ALL!

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Let's get a couple of things straight. First, I have many members of my church who are in Louisiana right now and I do have first hand accounts about the damage. I would say that you in your ignorance by your statements do not. The simple fact is that no one, no one on this earth, could have prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. The devestation is so widespread that even the most prepared countries in the world would not have been able to save its people. We need to move forward and help with future planning instead of sittting around bitching about whose fault everything is. Even Mr. Turner wrote in his blog that Clinton did nothing to prepare the country for this type of disaster when he was in office even though he knew of the possibile consequences. More suppositions: you really believe that I am a Republican party loyalist? That is far from the truth. I keep my beliefs in the middle. If you are weak enough to align yourself solely with YOUR PARTY no matter what direction they head then you will pay the price down the road. Another supposition: what makes you think I am a male? Maybe the two of you should broaden your horizons a bit and quit being so blinded and narrow minded about the reality of the government, poverty, race, and the devestation of New Orleans. I too must end my lunch break and go back to work....with my MBA in if that makes my opinion any more noteworthy than anyone else's.

  11. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Maybe all it proves is MBAs are now a dime a dozen!

  12. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Compare the Clinton FEMA of the Mo.River floods of 94 with the Bush FEMA of 05. These, of course, aren't the same in many respects, but it offers some insight into the relative effectiveness of the current administration and previous ones.

  13. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Let's keep our eyes clearly focused on never taxing the largely untaxed wealth of the super-rich. After all, it's not like there's a war on or anything.

  14. Anonymous3:42 PM

    It is all about the poor. The poor are 67-70% black in any large city. Why is that? Lack of education, pure, plain and simple.

    Instead of giving handouts to the poor how about giving them hand ups. Trade schools, colleges and High School educations are what the Poor need.

    With a trade or education you can get a good job and work your way out of poverty.

    Also, why were these people still in New Orleans when the city was ordered evacuated? The President asked the mayor to a day an a half before it was done. Why wasnt it done sooner? Why wasn't the cities' mass transit service used to get these people out before the hurricane? I lay the blame on the mayor and I have no idea what his political party is.

    I don't know if any of you have ever been in this area, but before the storm hit the roads are built over swamps. After the storm the roads were non existant.

  15. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I believe it was anonymous that first brought "better educated" into the mix, the first MBA poster was just reminding him/her that the statement "people who vote with that (R) by their name are actually the most educated people in the population" is a very generalized and "according to WHO" statement.

    No way it could have been prepared for?? If you mean we couldn't have saved everyone your right, but if your saying we did the best that could be done - then we are in a world of hurt.

    Mr Turner, do you agree with this statement: "Even Mr. Turner wrote in his blog that Clinton did nothing to prepare the country for this type of disaster when he was in office even though he knew of the possibile consequences

  16. I have been racking my brain trying to remember saying anything of the sort. I did mention President Clinton's remark that "the era of big government is over," but I don't recall saying anything that would remotely connect Clinton with being prepared for this disaster. What the Democrats and Republicans have effectively done to hurt this country is to go so far left and right, that no one feels comfortable being in the center. We no longer have Harry Truman Democrats or Dwight Eisenhower Republicans. All we have are right-wing Republicans and left-wing Democrats who are locked into mortal combat with no ability to compromise. This country will continue to suffer until we somehow to manage to restore the center.

  17. Anonymous2:09 PM

    And now that more news begins to trickle down from the local government in New Orleans.....seems like the vast majority of the blame needs to fall squarely on the idiot mayor of for having no evacuation plan whatsoever in place. He has proven to be very inept at his job. The evacuation notice was given 48 hours in advance and this guy did not follow suit with a mandatory evacuation until much much later. 360 school busses that are paid for with taxpayer money were left sitting to be destroyed instead of using them to evacuate the thousands of people who were stranded. This village idiot blasts the government using profanity in the media while it now comes out that he is very much to blame. What a class act. Also, it seems the governor of Louisiana had her share of screw ups in this whole thing. By the way they are both democrats. How ironic. Funny how things change once the FACTS start coming out. Anonymous, looks like you were right!!
