Sunday, October 08, 2006

Nodler-Scott bill addressed in Overstreet column

A proposed bill by Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, and Sen. Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, which would require English to be the official language of all proceedings in Missouri is addressed in Springfield News-Leader columnist Sarah Overstreet's latest offering:

The real issue for many of the voters Nodler and Scott are hearing from is the failure to protect our borders. These constituents see every Spanish-language sign as an admission that illegals are getting into this country — to work for long, hard hours so that we Americans can have houses built cheaper, eat food cheaper, get our cars serviced cheaper — you name the service we want — cheaper.

Ironically, we'll speak out of one side of our mouths about how awful illegal immigration is hurting us, while we'll happily take the goods that are cheaper because of illegals.


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    I am surprised that you haven't pointed out that the Joplin Globe once again missed the story. Every television station in both Springfield and Joplin carried news about the Nodler-Scott proposal. In fact on KY3 it was one of the top stories and ran for several minutes. The Neosho Daily ran a story before the press conference and The Springfield paper as you point out covered it in this column. The Globe has yet to run a story. So who is right? Is this news as every other outlet seems to think? Did the Globe just miss it or are they ignoring this story for some other reason?

  2. I had not realized the Globe had missed the story, though that does not surprise me, considering the paper didn't even have someone cover the immigration committee hearing held at Missouri Southern and has either missed or been behind on numerous other stories in recent months. I will try to be more vigilant in noting these omissions in the future.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I seem to recall this actually being a law already circa 1995.

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    No, Missouri is not one of the 27 states where English is the official language. What you remember is a bill that would have made English the official language but a last minute amendment changed it to recognition of English as the common language of the state. That amendment had the effect of preventing recognition of English as the official language.
