Friday, November 10, 2006

Hosiery huckster hired to handle O'Sullivan marketing

O'Sullivan Industries has hired Gary W. Ramey, formerly with Golden Toe Hosiery, at its senior marketing executive, according to a company news release:

"Gary is a well-respected and accomplished marketing executive who brings a proven track record of success in managing and growing a business. His consumer marketing background, understanding of retail, and his proven skills with strategy development will be a big asset as we move forward with aggressive business plans. We are excited to have him be part of the team charged with delivering on our plans," said Rick Walters, CEO for O'Sullivan.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Huckster? Marketing professional would also work in the headline. Randy - I imagine that you might take offense if someone used a derisive term to describe a teacher. In the future, you should consider showing respect for disciplines other than your own.

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Exactly so!
    How about "Ink-Stained Wretch," or "Typist," or "Busybody," or "Know-it-all" or "commentator-on-things-he-can-barely-understand-because-he-has-never-worked-in-any-of-the-lines-where-he-spews-opinion," or how about just "Blogger."
    That's funny enough...
    Marketing Pros are hardworking and effective people who understand their markets better tha some blogger who once did not get a TV gig that he wanted.
    My guess is that the old KSNF building was just not big enough for this author/teacher/ex-alleged journalist's ego to get in the door.
    Go write about Nexstar's stock prices or how somebody is bad at running a furniture company or if someone got legal contibutions for their election campaign.
    Or go market your next book around extreme SW Mo.
    Book.... That IS a funny one!

  3. If you are accurate in everything you have written about me (and for the most part, you aren't), what does that say about you? You're the one who keeps coming back and reading the blog.
