Wednesday, December 06, 2006

AP: Dupont claims state never questioned him about his role in operation of group homes

Apparently, Robert Dupont is talking to everybody in the media these days.
The Anderson Guest House owner has come under much scrutiny since his role in the operation of the McDonald County facility was revealed following the deaths of 10 people in a fire last week.
Apparently, the main reason the media is questioning Dupont about his illegally operating the homes(he was convicted of fraud in federal court in connection with Medicaid and Medicare payments) is because state officials never bothered to do their jobs.
At least that's what Dupont told Associated Press reporter David Lieb and his story seems believable:

Dupont said his involvement with the Anderson Guest House and other group homes should have been obvious to state inspectors he dealt with. Officials in the state health and mental health departments insisted they had no idea Dupont had any operational role when they granted licenses to his facilities.

"I have operated these facilities all over the state for 20 years," Dupont said. "I think it's legitimate that I would be there assisting in the operation of these facilities, and I've never been questioned by any of the agencies on what my role was."

Oddly enough, while believing Dupont, I also believe the state officials. If they say they didn't have a clue, we should take them at their word.

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