Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Fired Up: Voucher group paid to have Whitmore-Smith put on state board

The Democratic blog Fired Up Missouri claims the appointment of voucher supporter Donayle Whitmore-Smith to the State Board of Education was bought and paid for by the Friedman Foundation:

As The Turner Report was the first to reveal in a post on Dec. 17, 2005, the governor's brother, Andrew Blunt, was hired by the Friedman Foundation as a lobbyist. The Turner Report was also the first to report when he removed the foundation from his client list.

Fired Up Missouri tells about what went on in the meantime:

Last December, the Friedman Foundation hired Andy Blunt to secure the appointment of Donayle E. Whitmore-Smith to the Board of Education. Whitmore-Smith is a favorite of the Friedman Foundation. She was featured in their publication in February of 2005.
The Blunt's went to great lengths in an attempt to cover their trail on this one. After receiving the agreed upon sum for the appointment (insiders speculate it could have been as much as $50,000), Blunt quietly dropped the client from his roster. The Governor made the appointment of Whitmore-Smith a few short weeks later.

It figures that the going rate with this Governor for buying an appointment to the State Board of Education is more than the annual salary of the average public school teacher in Missouri.

The Turner Report offered more information about the Friedman Foundation and Governor Blunt's pro-voucher moves in that Dec. 17, 2005 post:

The signs have been evident.
Missouri Governor Matt Blunt has been a keynote speaker at an event for "All Children Matter," a national group that promotes using public money for private schools. The governor's 65 percent plan is one that is being promoted across the country by public education opponents. Now another such sign has emerged, and this one appears to provide the clearest signal of the governor's intent.
On Dec. 7, the governor's brother, certified lobbyist Andrew Blunt registered as the lobbyist for the Friedman Foundation of Indianapolis, Ind.
The following is a letter written by the foundation's founder, economist Milton Friedman: which can be found on its website:

Letter from Milton and Rose D. Friedman
"This foundation is the culmination of what has been one of our main interests for more than four decades: improvement in the quality of the education available to children of all income and social classes in this nation, whether that education is provided in government or private schools or at home.

"That interest began in 1955 when we reached the conclusion that government financing of primary and secondary schooling is entirely consistent with private administration of schooling, and that such a combination is both more equitable and more efficient than the existing linkage of financing with administration. We suggested that a way to separate financing and administration is to give parents who choose to send their children to private schools "a sum equal to the estimated cost of educating a child in a government school, provided that at least this sum was spent on education in an approved school. ... The interjection of competition would do much to promote a healthy variety of schools. It would do much, also, to introduce flexibility into school systems. Not least of its benefits would be to make the salaries of school teachers responsive to market forces."

"Since then we have been involved in many attempts to introduce educational vouchers -- the term that has come to designate the arrangement we proposed. There is a distressing similarity to attempts made over three decades and from coast to coast. In each case, a dedicated group of citizens makes a well-thought through proposal. It initially garners widespread public support. The educational establishment -- administrators and teachers' unions -- then launches an attack that is notable for its mendacity but is backed by much larger financial resources than the proponents can command and succeeds in killing the proposal.

"We have concluded that the achievement of effective parental choice requires an ongoing effort to inform the public about the issues and possible solutions, an effort that is not episodic, linked to particular legislative or ballot initiatives, but that is educational. It requires also the cooperation of the many groups around the country who are devoted to improving the quality of our schools, whether governmental or private.

This Foundation is our contribution to that objective."

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