Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ford hits right notes in coverage of Anderson ceremony

One of the toughest things for a reporter on an afternoon newspaper is that certain knowledge that coverage of any media event is going to be on all of the television stations and in the morning newspapers before your paper hits the stands.
It means you have to be more thorough and offer something that other accounts of the event cannot offer.
Fortunately for the Neosho Daily News, John Ford is always up to the task. Ford's coverage of Monday night's candlelight vigil at the Anderson Guest House hit all of the right notes, down to the final few paragraphs:

Midway through the service, the crowd joined in singing three verses of the hymn "Amazing Grace."

Becky Moyer, who lost her brother, Nathan Fisher, in the fire, credited the actions of caretaker Glenn Taff for saving several lives that night. Taff, 19, also died in the blaze while attempting to get residents out of the burning building. His wife, Amanda, 18, remains in a Springfield hospital with severe burns.

"I just want to get the message to Mr. Taff's family that he was a hero," she said.

Ford's article was accompanied by several photos, all of them taken by Ford. Those looking at the Daily's package on the candlelight ceremony will not feel like they've seen it all before. Ford offered a complete and accurate portrait, in words and photos, of an important news event.

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