Monday, November 26, 2007

Globe explores aftermath of Anderson Guest House fire

Tuesday marks the one-year anniversary of the Anderson Guest House fire, and Sunday's Joplin Globe included an examination by reporters Derek Spellman and Melissa Dunson of what, if anything, has changed during the last 12 months:

Two days after the fire, Gov. Matt Blunt ordered the health department to work with the Department of Mental Health to examine oversight of homes such as the one in Anderson. The departments turned in a report and recommendations last December. It was used to encourage legislative action.

Laws have been enacted tightening regulations for residential-care homes like the Anderson Guest House. The health department also added staff, cracked down on noncompliant homes, and changed its annual review and complaint policies.

(Department of Health and Senior Services Director Jane) Drummond said the department will file additional regulations in December or January to enforce new sprinkler legislation for homes with more than 20 residents and other requirements regarding fire-alarm systems. She said the department also is working to better identify consistently noncompliant homes or managers.

And, in the wake of the fire, the agency started checking all managers and owners against the federal list of those excluded from such positions. It makes those checks a part of the department’s regular procedure when granting or renewing a license.

Drummond said no other federally excluded individuals have been found running Missouri homes since the fire.

The state stripped Joplin River of Life Ministries, which operated the Anderson Guest House and three centers in Jasper County, of all operating licenses in December 2006

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