Sunday, November 25, 2007

Messenger: Blunt should apologize to Eckersley

As the saga of deleted e-mails and the dismissal and savaging of the governor's former lawyer Scott Eckersley continues to build, Springfield News-Leader Editorial Page Editor Tony Messenger, whose digging into political e-mails sent out from the governor's office started the situation, says it is time for Governor Matt Blunt to apologize to Eckersley:

There should be no confusion about the pain that Eckersley and his family have endured.

Given the opportunity this week to pin the blame for that pain on (former chief of staff Ed) Martin, Blunt refused.

"I'm the governor, I'm responsible for what happens in state government," he said.

So end the confusion, governor. Be responsible.

Apologize to Scott Eckersley.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Missouri, being a mirror of federal executive and Republican politics, I would not expect our MO Gov to admit any accountability or apoligize. In fact the appropriate tack is to attack and not admit anything. Gov Blunt has taken a wonderful page from the national Rebublican play book and done the "right" thing. Never admit and smear your opponent. Seems to be working for Gov. Blunt. Go Baby B!!

  2. Anonymous1:46 AM

    He should but he won't. Why? I don't know.
