Sunday, November 18, 2007

Southeast Missourian: Remove campaign contribution limits

In an editorial in today's edition, the Cape Girardeau Southeast Missourian rips into the Missouri Ethics Commission and says it is time to remove all campaign contribution limits. The editorial notes that the Ethics Commission created chaos when it failed to make a decision on whether campaign contributions that were over the limit should be returned:

This mess is yet another indication that the Missouri Legislature needs to try again on removing the campaign limits, this time overcoming the problems that resulted in the Supreme Court's ruling. And, while they're at it, the legislature might look for ways to create an ethics commission with some guts.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    According to the Southeast Missourian we should stop playing around in the kiddy pool and go straight to the deep end with no bottom. A smart move for those who want even less influence on their elected officials and the legislation that affects their kids futures.
    How about just say no to legalized bribery and a yes vote for public campaign financing.

  2. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Let’s think about this comment. This person wants to say no to free speech, calling campaign contributions bribes. Campaign contributions are just that contributions to campaigns in support of candidates that share your views. That is free speech and what is the alternative they suggest? Public financing of campaigns, that’s right, take your money and let some candidate you don't agree with spend it to advance ideas you reject. Another slap at the constitution by denying the right to free association, the word for this person is idiot!
