Monday, November 19, 2007

Website names Spears, Collings among five most creepy MySpace criminals

Australian website has named David Spears and Chris Collings, the accused killers of nine-year-old Rowan Ford of Stella among their Five Most Creepy MySpace Criminals:

Recently Chris Collings, along with David Spears, were accused of raping and murdering nine-year-old Rowan Ford. Spears was Ford’s stepfather, and Collings a friend of Spears. Both men had MySpace profiles, though only Collings’ was open to the public. The site caught the eye of investigators because it featured images of grim reapers and sexual acts, and also made references to drug taking. According to KOLR/KSFX, which talked to a forensic psychologist, the MySpace page could be considered a ”rehearsal of a fantasy”:

“It’s something many sexual offenders do before they commit a crime. While some people will stop at the fantasy stage, others can only fantasize for so long before they act out what they’ve rehearsed.”

Both men are charged with one count each of first degree murder, forcible rape and statutory rape.

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