Friday, July 25, 2008

Attorney general candidates favor boost in money for public defenders

Democratic attorney general candidates Margaret Donnelly and Jeff Harris reiterated their support of the death penalty, but both candidates said more safeguards need to be put in place to keep mistakes from killing innocent people.

During a debate/discussion with Kansas City Star political reporter Steve Kraske today on KCUR, Harris and Donnelly said more money needs to be pumped into the public defender system.

Harris said he was for the use of DNA technology to free those who are wrongly convicted and "I would advocate for use of increased funding for capital defenders, and the public defender system.

"We have to make it the most just system possible."

Ms. Donnelly said that "for certain heinous crimes, the death penalty is an appropriate punishment. Our public defender system has adequate time and adequate access to DNA evidence. If you have the resources in the justice system, then you can be working to make sure the mistakes are not made."


Anonymous said...

What do either of these clowns know about this topic? They want to say Koster's experience does not matter and then they go mouth off about a topic which Koster is the only candidate with any credibility to talk about.

Koster is the only candidate with the experience to be Attorney General.

Anonymous said...

Koster ducked the debate like he has ducked the last four or five debates because he can't answer why told him at the ethics commission that it was okay to launder money. Why he supported Bush, Blunt and Ashcroft. Why he voted for the health care cuts, photo id, MOHELA, Blunt's foundation formula, prohibiting the teaching of sex ed in schools and sponsored farm bureau's CAFO bill.

I think the two clowns that you refer did the rigt thing on these bills.