Monday, July 07, 2008

Donnelly: Koster trying to buy attorney general's office

Jeff Harris is not the only attorney general candidate ripping into Sen. Chris Koster. In a news release issued today, Margaret Donnelly says Koster is about to launch an advertising blitz designed to buy the primary:

Today the Republican attempt to buy our Democratic primary will begin in earnest in Kansas City and St. Louis. Koster and his expensive team will try to pull the wool over the eyes of voters. He will use his ads to avoid answering for his horrible record by saying that he is above politics. We must remind voters that it isn’t politics to ask him to be accountable for his record, it’s common sense. You don’t get “do-over’s” in politics, especially when we are talking about people’s lives.

In the release, Ms. Donnelly notes the St. Louis Post-Dispatch report that showed 81 percent of Koster's campaign money coming from committees, with much of that coming from retired billionaire Rex Sinquefield, the state's leading supporter of educational vouchers.

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