Monday, July 07, 2008

Harris launches first ad

Attorney General candidate Jeff Harris launched his first over-the-air campaign ad today, attacking one of his two competitors in the Democratic primary, Chris Koster, and digging back eight years to note the former Republican's support of John Ashcroft over Mel Carnahan in the 2000 governor's race. According to the news release announcing the ad:

The 30-second television spot compares Harris to and his strong record as a Democrat with that of rival Chris Koster.

Koster helped pass Matt Blunt's damaging cuts to Medicaid, and he also campaigned for numerous Republican candidates, including George W. Bush and John Ashcroft. The ad features footage of Koster appearing in a 2000 television ad for conservative Republican Ashcroft.

"In 2000, Chris Koster could have supported Mel Carnahan or John Ashcroft," said Harris Campaign Manager Christian Badger. "Koster sided with his fellow Republican and even attacked Carnahan at campaign events on behalf of Ashcroft. Democratic voters need to know that they can choose between the Republican Chris Koster or the real Democrat Jeff Harris."

In addition to serving as Democratic Leader in the Missouri House, Jeff Harris also headed a division in the Attorney General's office under Jay Nixon. Nixon has said that Harris will make "a super Attorney General."1

Harris has the support of a number of major Democratic Party figure, including former Governor Roger Wilson, former Governor Warren Hearnes, Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell, Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Betty Hearnes, Senate Democratic Leader Maida Coleman and former Congressman Harold Volkmer

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