Monday, July 07, 2008

Governor to appear on Lou Dobbs show

Gov. Matt Blunt will be on CNN's Lou Dobbs program today sometime between 5:30 and 6 p.m.

A news release from the governor's office provides the following information:

Today Gov. Blunt signed some of the strongest legislation in the country to fight illegal immigration. The legislation adds to his tough directives to fight illegal immigration by baring the state from issuing Missouri driver licenses to illegal immigrants and imposing criminal penalties for those who assist illegals in obtaining driver licenses. The legislation prohibits the creation of sanctuary cities in the state; requires verification of legal employment status of every public employee; allows for cancellation of state contracts for contractors if they hire illegal immigrants; requires public agencies to verify the legal status of applicants before providing welfare benefits; criminalizes the transportation of illegal immigrants for exploitive purposes; and enacts provisions to punish bad acting employers who hire illegal immigrants. The legislation also requires citizenship checks on every individual presented for incarceration.

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