Sunday, July 13, 2008

Joint appearances by McCaskill, Fiorina nothing new

Today's Meet The Press featured an interview with Sen. Claire McCaskill and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who have become prominent surrogates for Barack Obama and John McCain, respectively.

It wasn't the first time this week that the two have made a joint appearance. They were interviewed by Harry Smith on CBS This Morning Monday. The video accompanies this post.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Carly Fiorina continued with several false statements that she and the McCain have previously made.

    “The numbers simply don’t add (up),” Fiorina said. “Barack Obama will raise taxes.”

    She stated that Obama will raise taxes on small businesses and made it sound like it would be all small businesses. McCaskill once again repeated no tax increase, except on incomes over $250,000 and 95% of American's will pay less.

    McCaskill hit her on several things, but Fiorina continued to make false statements.

    "According to the Tax Policy Center, only 1.4 percent of people defined by the Treasury as small-business owners are in the top two tax brackets and could be subject to Obama’s tax proposal."

    Republicans claim Obama "voted 94 times for higher taxes." But their count is inflated and misleading.

    Carly Fiorina continued with the pandering about a gas tax holiday, which McCain knows Congress will not pass because it is a bad idea.

    Why hasn't anyone ever asked McCain when he is going to propose the bill. Summer is half over.

    She continued the bull about McCain balancing the budget without any facts, except using the money saved from stopping the wars without any plan for when the wars stop.

    McCain's budget figures don't add up

    Neither candidate can balance the budget without major cuts or raising taxes. Tom Brokaw asked McCaskill if Obama did not care about balancing the budget. Once again because Obama is not making false statements to make voters happy, he is accused of not taking action. McCain's false statements are ignored.

    Fiorina also did not explain that one of McCain's plans for reducing the budget is cutting Social Security and Medicare. McCaskill noted that McCain did not show up for the Medicare vote held last week.

    No Child Left Behind:
    Ms. Fiorina stated that John McCain believes that every parent should have a "choice" in how their children are educated.

    Sen. McCaskill made sure that the audience knew she was talking about vouchers. She said that we should protect our public education system and not have a system where the cream of the crop will go to private schools and the public schools are left flailing.
