Saturday, July 12, 2008

Southwest Missouri blogs do well in BNN poll

Southwest Missouri bloggers captured four of the top 10 slots in the weekly BlogNetNews poll on the Most Influential Missouri blogs.

The top blog was Tony's Kansas City, but KY3 Political Notebook took second, The Turner Report fourth, The News 2K eighth, and Springfield News-Leader political reporter Chad Livengood's blog, Inside Missouri Politics finished 10th.

On its website, BlogNetNews describes how it selects the top 20 each week:

BlogNetNews' Blogosphere Influence Rating combines a variety of data sets to determine which blogs are most powerfully influencing the direction of the Missouri political blogosphere. The exact method BNN uses to calculate influence scores must remain proprietary in order to prevent attempts to game the system. BNN's methodology takes into account the fact that all Internet data is profoundly limited in its reliability by using multiple data sets that, when combined, reveal a fair picture of activity in the blogosphere.

Since the poll started 45 weeks ago, only two blogs in the approximately 65 to 70 covered by the website have placed every time, KY3 Political Notebook and The Turner Report.

Three other Southwest Missouri blogs placed in the top 20- Show Me Opinions at 12th, last week's number one (and number one for most of the last two months) Life of Jason 13th and JackeHammer 18th.

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