Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Billy Long: Congress addicted to other people's money

In his latest press release, auctioneer Billy Long, a candidate for the GOP nomination for the Seventh District Congressional seat currently held by Roy Blunt, criticized Congress for its pork barrel spending:

The cost of earmarks increased this year despite Congress’ claim that they’re working to reduce pork-barrel spending. According to an analysis by the Taxpayers for Common Sense and Center for Responsive Politics, earmarks, which are inserted into appropriations bills to fund specific projects, added up to $19.9 billion in 2009, an increase of $1.6 billion from a year ago.

While President Obama claims to have persuaded Congress to keep the $787 billion stimulus free of earmarks, he signed a $410 billion spending measure in March. This measure included over $7.7 billion in earmarks.

“Career politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, continue to say one thing and do another in Washington,” Billy Long, a U.S. congressional candidate from Missouri’s seventh district said. “When I get to Washington, I will work to end earmarks once and for all. It is time we get some common sense back in Washington and get our spending under control.”

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the national debt is projected to be $16 trillion in ten years. “Congress is addicted to OPM- Other People’s Money.” Long said. “The first step to getting their spending under control is to stop funding special interest earmarks.”

1 comment:

  1. Funny, it seems to me that Billy Long is the one "addicted to other people's money." Long has made millions from hard-working Ozarks men and women who have, typically, been beset by financial struggles or loss. Although there is an argument for the need for leeches like Billy Long, he is exactly the kind of person that we do not need in Washington. It appears that Billy wants to now draw his wealth from a larger pool of people and gain some power to boot. No thanks Billy. I have seen first-hand your eagerness to profit from misery and don't wish for any more.
