Tuesday, August 18, 2009

State GOP offers statement on death of Warren Hearnes

The Missouri Republican Party today issued the following release concerning the death of Warren Hearnes, a Democrat who served as governor for eight years:

“Yesterday, Missouri lost a pioneer, statesman, and dedicated public servant. Warren Hearnes was a man of many firsts: Missouri’s first two-term governor, and the first governor to serve in all three branches of government. He will be remembered for his commitment to increased education funding, and our state is a better place thanks to his service. The thoughts and prayers of all Missourians are with Betty and the rest of Hearnes’ family.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    This statement from the Missouri Republican party is far better and above that of KY3 reporter, David Catanese.

    He ended his report on the service for Governor Hearnes with the "drag it through the mud" story of a cloud hanging over Hearnes tour of duty.

    Even in death the reporter took one last swipe at the integrity of the deceased. The people at Fox Noise Channel station KSFX didn't stoop that low.

    Dave Rust
