Saturday, September 19, 2009

Speck to KOAM: Complaints were inaccurate

Missouri Southern State University President Dr. Bruce Speck told KOAM complaints against him listed in a faculty report issued Friday to the Board of Governors were filled with inaccuracies, though he did not say what any of those accuracies are:

"There are factual errors," Dr. Speck said. "They are allegations made that are just flat out wrong because the facts are not correct. What disturbs me the most about that is that we're talking about people who are scholars. Their training is in how do you go about creating bodies of evidence."

Sounds like a good start to Speck complying with the Board of Governors' order that he improve his relationship with the faculty.


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM


    The fact that he would go out of his way to frame the report as compiled by people who can't even seem to meet the minimum bar of competency of scholarly writing shows that the mood towards him in the BOT meeting, against what Anderson stated publicly, was probably not really one geared towards any demands that Speck improve his relationship with the faculty.

    A brighter guy would be more Machievellian in his public comments, but let's face it - Speck does not appear to really be that bright a guy.

  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    What I don't understand is why, in light of all these substantive complaints, the board renewed his contract to 2011!!!!! What in the name of fairness does that tell the faculty? It is obvious to me, and probably many others, that the board of governors is full of sycophants who are terrified of Dwight Douglas and afraid not to back him.
    At the very least, they should have kept him on a probationary basis until next June. Now, they have put MSSU in jeopardy of having to pay this incompetent buffoon his unbelievable salary through 2011, even if they should decide to give him the boot.
    My question: What is Dwight Douglas getting from this? Obviously he is getting something from having Speck as president. He doesn't strike me as a man who would do anything out of the goodness of his heart.

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Gosh, KOAM must have thrown him a real softball question to get that answer.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    "Sounds like a good start to Speck complying with the Board of Governors' order that he improve his relationship with the faculty."

    KOAM's report was inaccurate because they should have told you that they got that sound bite BEFORE the closed session. Therefore, Speck had not been warned by the board when he spoke to KOAM.

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The bottom line here is Speck is perfectly willing lie in public on TV and at the same time call the people pointing out his transgressions stupid ... all I say is let this guy keep on talking and hang himself in public ... any newspaper with balls will simply check the facts and find out he's an outright liar. How does that look for MSSU?

    Just keep interviewing him and let him talk, the faculty need just sit back and wait, and the more he talks in public the more embarassing it gets for the BOG.

    The sorry thing is, he doesn't even realize he's hanging himself, or is he counting on the public being as stupid as he claims the faculty are?

  6. Anonymous3:35 PM

    To Anonymous 9:01:

    That clarifies it, Bruce.

  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    To Anonymous 7:29:

    To repeat: Bruce owes his job to the possibility of a medical school. That's the only thing Dwight Douglas cares about since he is an employee of Freeman Hospital.

    A medical school... a nice addition to the mission of a "bachelorette" college, eh, Bruce?. Especially when medical schools are so cheap to come by and we have so much money to spare... You have already saved mssu so much money for this medical school and the indoor football practice barn ( the first one in the MIAA!)

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Bruce, you have an advanced degree in English and you don't know how to use the word "literally" properly and you are going to critique a preliminary report amassed in a few weeks?

  9. Anonymous5:28 PM

    KOAM has a real problem, but I like to watch their news that way I have nothing on my mind when I go to bed at nite.

  10. Anonymous2:59 PM

    For the Board to have instructed Dr. Speck to mend fences with the faculty, without retaliation, is at least an acknowledgment that there are fences to mend, and that the ball is in his court to mend them. In comments he made to KOAM in an interview shortly after that Board meeting, however, he seems to throw down the gauntlet to the faculty once more. He suggested the events reported to the board were exaggerated or inaccurately reported. He further seems to imply that report's authors (many of whom are respected, 'decorated veterans' of MSSU) were hardly fit to teach.

    That seems to me an inauspicious start to an era of good feeling.

    I would understand if the faculty were to proceed with their vote of no confidence in the light of that interview alone. Furthermore, there has been no more comment from the president's office since then. No offer to meet with faculty representatives. No offer of immunity to staff (who lack the protection of tenure) to come forward and relate problems observed in their areas. No suggestion that there were any merit whatever to the report. Dr. Speck has not made any gesture to suggest a willingness to accept any responsibility for the growing conflict, nor to admit any failure of leadership, or any error of management.

    So, when does this fence-mending begin?
