Saturday, November 07, 2009

Blunt: House health care bill is 2,000 page roadmap to government takeover

One of the best quotes among those who opposed the health care bill which just passed the House by a 220 to 215 margin, came from Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt:

"It's a 2000 page roadmap to a government takeover of health care," Missouri Republican Roy Blunt said of the House bill.


  1. Anonymous3:54 AM

    A typical republican blather. I like the new Anti Blunt commercial with oil on his hands. He doesn't care if people die outside the Emergency Room door, long as he has healthcare.

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Since 1946 or so US Emergency Rooms have been required to treat all who enter their doors....

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    To 4:29

    that is the problem people have to be sick enough for the emergency room before they can get care. My insurance pays for them and so does yours. that is why my insurance premiums rise and my deductible goes up and my coverage declines.

  4. Anonymous5:20 AM

    The problem is too much government involvement in health care NOW. Adding more government will make us all sick.

  5. Anonymous1:26 AM

    actually have you been to an ER lately???

    you find more people there with coughs or sore throats than real emergency problems.......

    so obviously your idea of "sick enough" is slightly off....

    btw ERs should be only for idk...EMERGENCIES

    my favorite part of the bill is that if you can't afford health ins, which apparently by congress passing this bill, you will be able to pay it, you will be fined $2200 by the gov't to punish you....oh, and if you can't magically pay that.... Jail time.... that sounds like a GREAT plan!

    Healthcare needs reform, to deny that is plain ignorant. But let's go slowly and rationally. Perhaps agree 1st, kids aren't able to decide whether to have health care, so lets pass a bill to insure all kids, who's parents dont cover them, then lets make sure the disabled are taken care of, and our veterans! The VA is far from a good model of government controlled healthcare! Lets get together on these things both parties agree on, then we get to the meat of it!
