Friday, November 06, 2009

Honoring our veterans

In her latest capitol report, Rep. Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, pays tribute to our veterans:

Wednesday marks the 90th Veterans Day to honor those who have served and fought for our country in the armed services. We should all thank our veterans for the sacrifice they have given to protect our freedom and rights.

President Woodrow Wilson was the first to honor veterans with a holiday. He declared November 11, 1919, as “Armistice Day” to honor those who served in World War I.

In 1938, it became an official holiday in law and was described as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated.” In 1954, President Eisenhower signed a new law officially renaming the holiday “Veterans Day” to honor all veterans rather than just those from World War I.

As the wife and daughter of veterans, I have heard many stories of time served in the military during a war. The sacrifices my father and husband made were not small. This Wednesday, please thank a veteran. Please thank the families of those currently serving for their dedication to our nation as well. There are many resources to support our troops currently serving. Two very helpful websites are: and

On this Veterans Day please be reminded of the bravery and dedication of all those who have served our country over the centuries and presently. It is a blessing to live in a nation where people are willing to give their lives to protect their neighbors. Because of these many strong men and women we are able to live, work, worship and speak freely.

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