Sunday, March 21, 2010

Boehner: Shame on us

In the accompanying video, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, takes a final stand against the health care bill, which was passed moments later:


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Boeners, canned tan was more orange than usual, could it be he used more than recomended to cover his bold face lie.

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Where were Boehner and the Republicans during the first six years of the Bush Administration? That's when Dubya never vetoed anything that came across his desk.

    What did they do to prevent medical bankruptcies, cancellation of policies, denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions or skyrocketing prices then????

    Answer: NOTHING. Zip Nada. The only thing they did was pass the Medicare RX plan which added a full third to the already massive budget deficit (which had a $200 billion balance when Clinton left office).

    This bill was deficit neutral.

    If we had "started all over" they would have made sure we got nothing again. The party of no failed--I hope--on this issue.

    Tell it to FOXNews, John: We don't want to hear it.

  3. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I think Boehner was right on. There are too many foreign observers who can even see the writing on the wall for America, so to speak. The American public has its head in the sand, largely in part, thanks to the liberal media. Both parties have made grave mistakes and we are going to pay. We are the Rome of the 21st century.
