Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Blunt: Carnahan in line with "extreme agenda" of Pelosi and Reid

In an interview that aired moments ago on KODE, Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt said many Democrats in the nation's capital do not like the "extreme agenda" of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, but his general election opponent, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, does.

That should give us a good indication of the thought that the Blunt campaign wants to hammer home.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I remember when Blunt was a rubber stamp for the Bush people. Remember when George wanted to privatize social security and make investments in the stock market. Where would social security be had that been allowed to happen. Completely in the toilet, and George would be on the ranch or elsewhere, saying Who Me?
    They would have scattered like a covey of quail had they been allowed to take down the Social Security System.

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    To anonymous, I doubt that a 1% investment of my social security would have seriously damaged my (or anyone elses's) finances, and 1% was the cap on how much of one's SS could be privately invested. You're really reaching to tie Blunt to something negative on this one. But, you sound like a typical dem. who will try to tie all Republicans and all societal failures to Bush -- another victim of Bush Derangement Syndrome??

  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    If I were Blunt I would run that TV spot of Obama talking about how he knows that Carnahan will follow him, be another vote, etc., and how he needs that vote, until the cows come home.

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    To quote anonymous..."But, you sound like a typical dem. who will try to tie all Republicans and all societal failures to Bush"

    You don't have to tie all Republicans to Bush, they were already all joined at the hip. Every stinking Republican that bad mouths the Obama Administration will take the check they get from them and cash it just as soon as they can. If the wise old Republicans want to get even with the Democrats, just refuse that Social Security Check and send it back. Tell the government they dont want the money and without a doubt they don't need it.

    Hell will have a special place for all the republicans for all the damage they have done to the less fortunate.

