Sunday, November 07, 2010

Billy Long to take pay cut to go to Washington

Gannett Washington Bureau has an interview with Billy Long, which runs in today's Springfield News-Leader, and features the revelation that the Congressman-elect will have to take a pay cut when he goes to Washington:

"As a practical matter, you can't run a business like an auction company while you're in Washington. So whether they force me to or not, I'm going to have to liquidate," he said, acknowledging that the $174,000 annual salary for House members may end up being a pay cut.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Or, Billy (don't call me Congressman) can transfer ownership of the company to a member of the family to run for the next 12 years. Kind of blind trust the assets.

    This works great if the family members are not deadbeats with no sweat equity in the business.

    Deadbeats are those who take controll, perhaps steal the business, and spend their time in the social circles while running the business into the ground.

    Could this happen to Billy? I doubt it, his daughters seem to be upstanding young ladies.

    Former Congressman Hancock may have a different story to tell.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Got more info on Long out of this story than all the stories on him from the newsleader for the past 21 months.

    And my opinion of Long is confirmed.

    He's an opportunist who lies at the drop of a hat.

    Lose the hat Billy.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    $174,000 is a pay cut? He is out of touch with about 90 percent of his constituency. No wonder he can afford a $28.50 steak dinner named after him at the Metropolitan Grill in Springtown.

  4. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Ah shucks, I hate when this happens. I've heard his business is on the ropes anyway because of the economy. At any rate, no sympathy here. Maybe the local inbreds will buy his stories but not me.

