Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Missouri GOP: McCaskill doesn't get it

As expected, the Missouri GOP, fresh from holding on to Kit Bond's Senate seat, is aiming its guns at Claire McCaskill in an effort to win back that seat. The following news release was issued today:

Claire McCaskill’s Democrats suffered historic setbacks in Missouri and across the nation on November 2 when Americans overwhelmingly rejected the reckless liberal agenda that has dominated Washington for the past two years. But instead of listening to Missourians, McCaskill has dug in her heels. In an interview with Missourinet, McCaskill echoed Democrat talking points by claiming that her party’s massive losses were the result of a failure to communicate, instead of what they really were: a rejection of the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda.

“Claire McCaskill just doesn’t get it,” said Lloyd Smith, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party. “Like her liberal friends in Washington who think that Missourians don’t know enough to make informed decisions, McCaskill still believes that her party’s ‘shellacking’ in last week’s election resulted from failed communication rather than the failure of the liberal agenda. Missourians know exactly what Barack Obama and Claire McCaskill are selling, and on November 2, they took the opportunity to overwhelmingly reject it.”

Throughout 2010, Claire McCaskill’s fellow Democrats repeatedly insulted Americans by claiming the nation’s overwhelming opposition to their liberal agenda was the result of a lack of knowledge. Barack Obama argued that Americans aren’t “thinking clearly” because they’re “scared,” John Kerry claimed that “we’re in a period of know-nothingism,” and Harry Reid dismissed Missouri’s 71% against the federal health care bill by claiming that people “have a lack of understanding” about the bill.” McCaskill supported the health care takeover and later dismissed the passage of Prop C because, she claimed, Missourians “don't realize” what’s in the bill.

Now, Obama and McCaskill are reading from the same sheet of music by claiming that a lack of communication—not failed policies—are the result of the Democrats’ massive losses. In reality, Missourians listened to McCaskill’s defense of her party’s reckless spending and debt, the failed stimulus, and the health care takeover, and they sent a clear message that enough is enough.

McCaskill has further revealed her tone-deafness when, following the election, she claimed that she’s not going to have to “pivot.”

So it’s no wonder that Public Policy Polling released a new survey this week showing her as second most vulnerable Senator up for reelection in 2012. The poll, available here, puts McCaskill’s disapproval ratings at a whopping 53%.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    where was she when Robin Carnahan was running. They are in lockstep together supporting the administration. She was a voice for Obama when he ran...I don't understand. Carnahan should be furious that she didn't help.

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Carnahan should be furious that the entire Democretic machine didn't support her. The Democretic Congressional Committee cancelled over $400,000 in media they had booked in the market going into the general and moved it somewhere. Don't take my word for it, examine the area media's public files.

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    McCaskill is hiding out from her past. She kissed up to the President when he was running and now she nowhere to be seen. I guess she's hiding under the bed and praying Missourians will forget.

  4. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Anonymous @7:13: Well, I gather that the DNSC was not impressed, if not "furious", that Carnahan ran a 2006 themed campaign against Blunt instead of one that addresses the current issues of the day.

    They had limited resources and sending them to candidates who had a chance to win makes the most sense.

    She lost by 14 points, $400K of advertising wouldn't have made a difference.

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM

    7:13, Ask your dear, dear friends in the media if they are for campaign finance reform.

    They are the benefactors of wild, wild spending and could care less which candidate buys the office as long as they get their overpriced advertising rates.
