Thursday, December 16, 2010

Billy Long to serve on Homeland Security Committee

Rookie Congressman Billy Long, R-Mo. has received his committee assignments. Long will serve on the Homeland Security Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I'm feeling safer already.

    Maybe we'll finally get that damned fence built and can turn Monettexico back to Monett.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    What qualifies Billy for Homeland Security Committee? Does he have his CCW permit?

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm sure he will be very cognizant to make sure we have a steady food supply. What a fat loser.

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Oh great... I feel a lot safer now. Not.

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    God help us all.

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    The HS Committee is where you put members with no knowledge, no skills, no potential, and no hope for ever changing.

    Used to be th DC Committee but that has been taken over by the Black Caucus. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  7. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Which buffet restaurant will be hosting the meetings? Is there an Old Country Buffet in DC? Or perhaps they can eat at a Mexican restaurant while they talk about keeping out the Mexicans.

  8. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Well, this will do what the damn Homeland Security was designed to do in the 1st place.

    It will provide jobs for mostly the friends and family of a time when there are no jobs --- those out of work buddies and friends of rich donors can have homeland security jobs complete with salaries, health insurance and perks.

    AND the freakier they are the more they'll feel right at home with their tasers, guns, listening devices,black uniforms with no insignia and freedom to do whatever to whoever when the shit hits the fan with no fear of reprisal.

    Want to protest? Good luck with that in this day and age. You'll find your own government, i.e. military and those lovely Homeland Security nuts will be the ones to shoot you.

    You don't really believe HS is there strictly for terrorists do you? Think again.

    Can you say "backfire"?

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM


    Thank you for that elegant rant. Is that the meth speaking?
