Saturday, December 10, 2011

MSSU Athletic Director: The faculty is picking on me

While there is not much depth to the story, Missouri Southern State University's newspaper, The Chart, in its latest edition, reveals that Athletic Director Jared Bruggeman fired off a letter whining about his mistreatment at the hands of the Faculty Senate.

Sadly, little background is offered (and at least online I don't see a copy of the memo), so you can't tell from the story what happened that brought about Bruggeman's complaint What does come through loud and clear is that the problems at the university continue, since University President Bruce Speck ordered the President's Council not to attend the Faculty Senate meeting:

"… I have asked other members of the President's Council not to attend Faculty Senate until I have the opportunity to talk directly with you [Faculty Senate] regarding my concern in establishing a more conducive environment for information sharing."

The statement was issued due to complaints from Jared Bruggeman, director of athletics, who claimed unfair treatment prior to and during the October Faculty Senate meeting.

Many questions rose from the statement, mostly involving the president's commitment to increasing communication. Anglin initially tried to field some of the questions.

"One of things is in terms of my understanding is how we can improve communication," Anglin said. "That's number one. That's why I brought this memo stating about the situation. To my understanding, he will come to the next meeting and whatever those issues are he will have the opportunity to express that."

Stephen Schiavo, associate professor of computer information sciences, asked if some sort of emotional trauma was endured due to the Faculty Senate's actions.

"Any of us on the staff in Dwight's days who saw how the board members treated the representatives of the faculty who had been invited to make a case can't possibly be shocked, with the exception for some old McCarthy hearings or something like that," Schiavo said. "I think we should go on record and say we really abhor people being discourteous to speakers who we invited and so forth, and for heaven's sakes we should restrain ourselves, but on the other hand, we're, most of us, big kids. If the topic that you have to discuss is a lightning rod, if you go before a bunch like the faculty per say, you should expect to get shocked. Get over it. Which of us has not been at a hearing where you have been lambasted by somebody at a level far in excess of what he thought necessary at the time? But I've never been hospitalized for it," Schiavo said.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    From Southern Watch ( The ironic thing is that Jared made a good presentation that offered a lot of information to faculty about athletics. Questions from faculty were entirely civil and the presentation no doubt improved the perception of athletics, at least among the faculty present. It was all good. At least until Jared had to poison the entire thing by whining to Speck about something that didn’t even happen during the meeting. And Speck then overreacted (hello, Peter Principle), making the situation far worse. But I guess that’s what administration does at MSSU. Shoots itself in the foot and then puts that foot in its mouth.
