Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cynthia Davis: Gun control is holding the gun steady and pulling the trigger

In her latest advertisement in her run for lieutenant governor on the Constitution Party ticket, former Rep. Cynthia Davis talks about gun control and people control.


  1. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Conceal and carry has a place and should be exercised every time Cindy shows up in a meeting. She should be concealed and carried out.

  2. Is it just me, or does it seem like she's trying to speak in a northern accent a la Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin?

  3. Just Sayin7:40 AM

    "People control that's when you pass a law that says were gonna control what people say, think, and do" Hey Cynthia is that or is that not what you did when you passed the legislation in O'Fallon Missouri that said video rental stores could not rent "X-rated pornographic videos or materials because of your own moral beliefs? Sounds to me like you are against exactly what you did when you were a alderwoman. Maybe you should have let the people decide what they wanted in the community using the free enterprise system we have and love in this state and country. Guess you just shot yourself in the foot again. Oh wait thats gun control! But then again Politicians forget people do have a memory.
