Friday, March 23, 2012

Rally against Rush planned for next Wednesday

Speaker Steve Tilley is not giving up on his plan to honor Rush Limbaugh with a bust in the Missouri State Capitol.
We're not giving up our efforts to stop this outrageous plan, either. More than 35,000 people have signed petitions and letters saying "NO WAY" to Speaker Tilley, and we hope you can join us in Jefferson City next Wednesday, March 28 to drive that message home.
For details on the full day of action and events, and options for carpooling from you part of the state, please visit the Facebook event page here.
The main Rally Against Rush and For Women's Health will begin at 12:30 on the north side of the Capitol, after which we will deliver boxes and boxes and boxes of letters and petitions to Speaker Tilley's office. Please join us!


  1. Terry Bishop2:04 AM

    hatmGreat plan! We can NOT allow that hate-monger to be honored in any way!

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    You can go to this location and view and interactive map of the Capitol showing the location of the Famous Missourians previously honored. This is pretty cool.

    I imagine each and every one of these people did something during their time on earth that they were not proud of. But, there was overiding evidence to give them this honor.
