Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Cynthia Davis on Zac Wyatt: He's a deviant who debases himself with other men

Don't count former Rep. Cynthia Davis, the Constitution Party candidate for lieutenant governor, among those praising Rep. Zach Wyatt, R-Novinger, for coming out during a press conference announcing his opposition to Rep. Steve Cookson's "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Some described Wyatt's act of announcing he was gay as courageous. Mrs. Davis had another reaction, referring to Wyatt in her latest column as a "deviant" who is "debasing himself with other men."

Naturally, she agrees with Rep. Cookson's idea of not allowing discussion of sexual orientation in the classroom.

All this time we thought our education tax dollars were intended for teaching "the three Rs"---reading 'riting and 'rithmetic.  If the school boards would focus on the purpose for their creation, we would save ourselves a great deal of wasted time, emotional turmoil and tax dollars.

California provided the nation with a lesson on how far a state can go off the mission of academics with a bill passed last year.  
 This new law is now forcing their school children to be indoctrinated in "politically correct" distractions pertaining to deviant lifestyles.  Sadly, this is way off target and will prove to be a greater distraction to learning the basic essentials.  California may find they have created more problems than they solved.

Missouri legislators made national news last week over a bill to dictate what schools can teach regarding perverted behavior.  This story is particularly interesting to me since I was just in the community of Novinger, Northwest of Kirksville, the week before.  When this area replaced a Democrat with a Republican, they thought it would be an upgrade.  The new representative from Novinger just provided us with an example of why voting for a party alone does not represent our best interests.

The first four years I served in the House, this area was represented by a Republican.  Then for four years, the area was represented by a Democrat.  In 2010, this district reverted back to a Republican who now has betrayed the family-values image of the Republican Party as he held a press conference to announce his private preference of debasing himself with other men.  Making a public spectacle of this information bolstered him to national attention.  Since governments are not dragging people out of their bedrooms, why is his deviant lifestyle relevant to public policy?  

The legislature does not require an accounting for private sins, but he wanted to make this announcement about his private escapades and is surrounded with some of his sympathizers, Anne Zerr, Mike Colena, Jeanette Mott Oxford who are standing with him:  

Bullying is always bad.  Our schools should never allow bullying for any reason.  Many bad bills start with a false premise that we can force children to be nice to one another if we only have more laws, yet bullying can be caused by many reasons not at all related to the purpose of this bill

Studies show that minors who practice deviant behavior are far more likely to commit suicide.  The cause of the suicide is always multi-faceted.  A notorious suicide from the Bible involved Judas who killed himself out of remorse after betraying Jesus.  Many suicides are caused by guilt, embarrassment, despair or being abused as a child.  Studies show that a person is 3-4 times more likely to attempt suicide if one is the victim of a perverted act. Many predators were molested as children.  We should feel sorry for them in their plight but not use this as a reason to infect more innocent children with thoughts of immoral activities while they are attending school to learn how to read, write and do math.  To push a political agenda on these students is another form of child abuse as well.

If one's activities occur outside the school building, it is up to the parents to deal with the problem.  If children are acting out with other school children, the teachers should protect them from each other.  Since we rarely read about these acts taking place in the school building, it is far more important for the teachers to teach the subjects that will be appearing on the tests.

Parents are charged with the duty of protecting and caring for their children from birth until they can function independently.  If there are problems, the parents need to deal with their local school teachers, principals or school boards until they are satisfied that their children are not being harmed.  Don't stop until you are confident your children are safe-even if that means pulling them out of their current setting.  Your children are depending on you to keep their bodies, souls and spirits safe.   Here are some helpful tips.

Most teachers went into the profession to educate our next generation.  My advice is to just stick to the academics.  Ultimately, the only hope for our state and nation is in calling out and placing our trust in God for help.  Last Thursday, I was asked to pray for our government during the National Day of Prayer Ceremony in my county.  You can read my prayer here.   You can watch the YouTube video here.  


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Is this article real? Does she have a heart? Her hatred is so blatent and disgusting. Where is her humanity? Shame on her for saying such aweful things about someone else. Is the Republican party now the official party of hatred? What has happened to them?

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I can tell you what ole Cindy needs. Yes sir you bet I know zackery what she is a needin'.

    A heart.

  3. I commend Cynthia for speaking out on such a topic. Our schools have no business teaching such deviant behavior to our children. That is the right of parents if they so choose. It's no wonder our education system is doing so poorly. Instead of teaching the basics, kids are being exposed to leftist agenda propaganda.

  4. Yes, alq, leftist agenda propaganda, otherwise known as, what is actually going on in the world. How tragic it would be to actually tell school children about what happens in the real world instead of sheltering and pretending it doesn't exist. How dare we let them ask questions and develope opinions of their own, instead of being brain-washed. If you don't want your children to be exposed to reality, maybe you should just home "school" them. There is the old saying about the preacher's daughter, and there is some truth in that, it is often the ones that have been shilded the most that act out the most impulsively.

  5. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hey Jeff, no one said children should be sheltered from everything... Pay attention. What she was saying is that school should be for learning and gaining skills, not learning about sexual orientation. Its my right as the parent of a child that Im raising to decide what and when they're taught about sex, not the governments. If you think the government should get to decide what viewpoints our children adapt rather than their parents, that is a viewpoint that I just can't wrap my mind around. If you choose to steal your child's innocence by teaching them such things then do so in your own home on your watch and on your dime. Leave my children and tax dollars out of that mess.
