Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Ed Martin on Koster: He's not only Obama's lawyer, but he's just like John Edwards

From the throw everything out there and hope something sticks school of politics, Republican attorney general candidate Ed Martin issued the following news release about his opponent, Democratic incumbent Chris Koster:

As the John Edwards trial reveals the gross underbelly of how trial lawyer candidates parse the law and mistreat staff and family, Obama's Lawyer Chris Koster watches nervously.  Koster shares the same high-powered D.C. consultant, Nick Baldick, who masterminded the 2004 Edwards Presidential campaign as well as running the Edwards 2008 presidential PAC that was at the heart of the Rielle Hunter scheme.
Obama's Lawyer Koster has been under investigation for money-funneling in 2008, has been identified with running a fake candidate in the 2008 primary, and has retained a high powered St. Louis lawyer to deal with inquiries from the feds.

"For anyone familiar with Chris Koster’s road to the Attorney General’s office, the similarities between Koster and John Edwards should be obvious: both espouse principles of serving the poor and the working man but both live lives of wealth, privilege and shifting allegiance", said Steve Michael, Campaign Manager for Ed Martin for Attorney General. "Missourians are tired of the politics of ‘say and do anything to get elected no matter who gets hurt’ and want an authentic leader to stand up and fight back when the federal government overreaches as in the case of Obamacare.  Ed Martin is not afraid to say what he believes and to fight for what he believes is right.  He does not hide behind slick DC consultants like the one pulling the strings of Chris Koster and John Edwards."

Below is an excerpt from the book “The Politician” by Andrew Young, which provides some insight into Nick Baldick’s role in Edwards’ campaign cover up.

“A staffer who had developed deep suspicions about Rielle Hunter during the trip to Africa had taken his concern to Nick Baldick, who was still running operations for the senator.  The aide, Josh Brumberger, was one of several people who had spoken to me about Rielle, but unlike the others, he wasn’t satisfied with my evasive reassurances. Soon after Brumberger talked to Nick, the senator brought him into the American Airlines Admirals Club at LaGuardia Airport and suggested he leave the Edwards team.  Edwards made sure that Josh would remain discreet by arranging for him to have a job at Fortress Financial, but his dismissal sent a signal to everyone in the inner circle of the campaign.”

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