Friday, May 18, 2012

Joplin Globe featured in Columbia Journalism Review article

The Joplin Globe's coverage of the May 22 tornado is the subject of a feature in the latest edition of Columbia Journalism Review:

Almost a year later, Joplin is putting itself back together. Construction is booming across the town of 50,000 people. Homes and stores are being rebuilt. There will be a new high school and a new hospital.
The Joplin Globe, too, is displaying remarkable resilience, and some might say the paper is stronger and better than ever. This is happening, of course, amid sadness. To this day, Kaminsky’s eyes spill over when he gazes at a special section of the Globe tacked to his office wall, “Faces of the Storm,” which was printed June 12, 2011 and carried photos and bios of 153 people who were killed (the death toll would eventually rise to 161). In large text in the center of the page are the words, “Psalms 46:1.” You have to look up the verse for yourself: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

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