Friday, May 18, 2012

NEA issues final action alert on anti-teacher bill

It is the final day of this session of the Missouri Legislature and the final chance for enemies of public education to ram through anti-teacher bills. Missouri NEA issues its final action alert of the session today.

The Senate did not debate HCS/HB 1526 (Scott Dieckhaus) on May 17, though intense lobbying activity continued throughout the day and into the evening due to the House threat to block HB 1174 unless the Senate passes HB 1526.  HB 1526 is likely to be taken up on the final day of session. 

The Association strongly opposes HB 1526.   

The perfected HCS/HB 1526 damages the reduction in force (RIF) requirements by undermining respect for certification, experience and commitment to the district, while forcing districts to create an entirely new system to determine layoff priorities and leaving districts vulnerable to various legal challenges in implementing this new, untested mandate.  

Sen. Rupp offered a Senate Substitute (SS) version that makes technical wording changes but still raises the same concerns regarding harmful changes to the reduction in force (RIF) requirements.  Sen. Brad Lager offered SA 1 to add his SB 654 to require all school districts and charter schools to establish and implement a high-quality system of teacher and principl evaluations.  The bill was laid over with the amendment pending. 

An extremist group known as Students First, centered in Sacramento, California, has hired numerous lobbyists in Missouri and is pushing the various changes in tenure and evaluation policy contained in the various versions of HB 1526 and in SB 806 (Jane Cunningham).  

ACTION NEEDED:  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!  Please call, write or e-mail to urge your state senator to oppose HCS/HB 1526. 

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