Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Open house scheduled for 2012 City of Joplin comprehensive plan

(From the City of Joplin)

Citizens are invited to a Public Open House to view and comment on proposed draft of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, and for a proposed Planned Development District for the Main Street corridor from 15th Street to 50th Street. The Open House is set for 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, May 14, in the Basement Conference Room at Joplin City Hall, located at 602 South Main Street.

The Joplin Comprehensive Plan is a long-range vision for the entire community based on a regional perspective.  The plan is used as a guide for making land use, transportation, infrastructure, and policy decisions.  The Comprehensive Plan links long-range objectives to a number of interdependent elements, including population growth, economic development, land use, transportation, and community facilities.  It contains goals and objectives and provides direction for city staff, the Zoning and Planning Commission, and the City Council for these and other issues.

The previous revision of the Joplin Comprehensive Plan took place in 2003, with an interim update adopted earlier this year..  It is recommended that comprehensive plans be reviewed at least every five years in order to keep current. 

The plan focuses on the greater community overall but does incorporate elements of the tornado planning efforts.  This is not intended to duplicate the planning efforts already underway, but rather integrate and complement these efforts.

The proposal for a Main Street Planned Development District between 15th Street and 50th Street is intended to help ensure that rebuilding of Main Street is consistent with the recently adopted corridor design standards for those parcel already zoned appropriately for commercial use.
If you are in need of disability-related aids or services, contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at (417) 624-0820. Kindly give us forty-eight (48) hours’ notice to arrange for the aids or services.

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