Thursday, April 18, 2013

My new book project, Let Teachers Teach, is launched

My latest book project, a two-book series which will allow teachers to tell in their own words about their successes and the obstacles they face as they battle a system that has been designed for them to fail.

"Let Teachers Teach" is a follow-up to my Huffington Post blog from last week, A Warning to Young People: Don't Become a Teacher. I want the people whose input has not been heard during this so-called educational "reform" movement, the classroom teachers, to finally have a say.

I am hoping this book project can help launch a national conversation.

Check out the video and check out the project website at


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    The "risks" section on the kick starter page says you don't anticipate finding teachers who will talk. Won't that be a significant problem for the project?

  2. It wil definitely be an obstacle because of the quite reasonable fear teachers have of retaliation, but some will go on the record and others' identities can be protected by using false names (which would I clearly note in the book).

  3. Liz Armstrong2:02 PM

    My name is Liz Armstrong I am Cameron Adams 8th grade mother. You will be pleased to know that we have 88 emails so far that are being taken to the superintendent of Joplin Schools.

    I am disturbed by the environment that has taken place recently, and have talked with various students as well as my own children Cameron and Dylan Armstrong. The vibe that I have discerned is that there is a number of teachers that are creating an administration against the students. Not you of course. How are children supposed to learn effectively if they are afraid of being detained by juvenile authorities for mischief. That in my opinion causes an element of rebellion just because the students feel the administration is against them from the beginning. These kids have the right to a safe encouraging environment so they can thrive and develop their minds and grow. Not having to live in fear in essence isn't that what a terrorist does...... they create fear. Assistant Principal Mr. Weaver is an instigator, and has many of the teachers at East following suit. When Mr Cook was was the assistant principal the environment was safe and nurturing. You are a wonderful teacher and that will never change I hope you sue East Middle School for false termination.

    Many parents are on your side and we are going to fight for a better environment for our children.

  4. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Hello Mr Turner. Its your student, Cameron Adams. Everyone at east will try to help you get your job back as best as we can. We all miss you. You have been an inspiration to me by showing me different writing styles, and which one best fit me. I wish you could do the same for my little brother in two years, if you get your job back.

  5. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "How are children supposed to learn effectively if they are afraid of being detained by juvenile authorities for mischief. That in my opinion causes an element of rebellion just because the students feel the administration is against them from the beginning. These kids have the right to a safe encouraging environment so they can thrive and develop their minds and grow. Not having to live in fear in essence isn't that what a terrorist does...... they create fear."
    If a student fears being detained by juvenile authorities "mischief" probably isn't the appropriate word to use describing their activities. It isn't like if they pass a note the juvie cops are taking them. Come on. Let your kids create mischief at home. Not at school.
