Monday, June 17, 2013

Missouri StudentsFirst director quitting

MoScout reports that Lea Crusey, head of Michelle Rhee's Students First group in Missouri, is leaving to move to Washington, D. C.

The blog then inaccurately refers to StudentsFirst as a group advocating educational "reform." Actually, the purpose of that group is connected to reform only by its misuse of the word.

StudentsFirst is an anti-teacher group and when you are anti-teacher, you are definitely not putting students first.


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I think Lea Crusey had a very short career as a teacher which made her ever so qualified to speak on "reforms" necessary in Missouri. If I am not mistaken before she came to Missouri she had a job in Chicago working with parking meters or something like that. My point is that Michelle Rhee has created a business for herself with Students First because she was going to get canned in DC and she is going around the country setting fires in public education to make money. If there is a hell I hope Michelle Rhee, Lea Crusey and all those people trying to screw kids just so they have jobs making big money someday see it. Maybe Lea saw the light or something and quit. I doubt it. I just think she was ineffective at getting Missouri schools, teachers and kids screwed and Rhee sent her packing. Any teacher or parent that belives in Mishelle Rhee and Students' First agenda should see a psychiatrist as soon as they are able.

  2. Anonymous8:35 AM

    It is my utmost hope that Lea Crusey has the morals to now write an article about how corrupt Students First is and it's real agenda. Lea, if you are reading this, it is not too late to atone for your attempts to hurt teachers and kids for money. Rex Sinquefield and Michelle Rhee are heartless money grubbing robots from another planet or something. Michelle wants dollars. Rex wants to buy Missouri. In the words of Samuel L. Jackson, "I hope they burn in hell". I hope they take Tim Jones and Brian Nieves with them. Bad people need to be out of the public's business.
