Monday, June 17, 2013

Teacher: If C. J. Huff ran for president, he'd have my vote

Missouri teacher Sheryl Lamme, in a post from her Burnt Toast blog, praises Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff:

This past February I was privileged to hear Joplin school superintendent, Dr. CJ Huff tell his story of the by EF – 5 tornado that ripped through Joplin May 2011. Accompanied with images and video, Dr. Huff delivered a powerful message describing the way his staff pulled together, accessed the damage, the loss, and the way that they pulled together. Tears flowed down this mans face as he recalled the way his staff personally sought out and accounted for every single employee of the school district, as well as every single student. He described the rebuilding process, and the way that the community united in order for classes to begin as scheduled in the fall of 2012. I was touched to the core! I was ready to pack my bags and move to Joplin. I wanted to work for this man. His story demonstrated the mark of everything a leader should have. If he ran for President he’d have my vote regardless of his party affiliation!


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I can describe CJ in one word--Poser.

  2. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I feel soo sorry for this poor, mentally challenged teacher. She doesn't know the real C.J. Huff.

  3. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I feel so very sorry for this poor, mentally challanged teacher. She has no idea who the real C.J. Huff really is.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    He should be able to give a good speech, really. He's practiced it often enough. And, if you're willing to spend ten grand, you can hear the caped crusader speak, too. Just keep the tissues at the ready. He'll need them, anyway, even if nobody else does.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Well, I hear there are plenty of job openings. Maybe she should apply. If she has any sense, which doesn't seem likely, she'll ask herself why everyone is leaving if he's so great to work for.

  6. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Ms. Lamme needs to go back to school or hire an editor.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Can we can send him there?

  8. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I don't doubt he has a kind heart but does that make him a good superintendent? Maybe his heart is too kind to reign in his out of control zealous administrative staff.

  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Mr. Huff would make it good in government. He can put a spin on the truth and make it look like a lie, then put a spin on a lie and it looks like the truth. However with that ability he would make it big in Vegas as a magician. Not slight of hand, slight of mouth. Slight here means a humiliating discourtesy.

  10. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I wonder if Dr. Huff ever mentioned that some of his staff was informed, "If they are here to work, it is voluntary", after being told if you want to "work" be here at... time?

  11. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Unless there is a bond issue riding on the line or if the cameras are rolling, the one consistency the staff at R 8 can count on is being treated with disregard.
