Wednesday, November 27, 2013

R-8 School Board President Flowers: We must sell ourselves tastefully

Thanks to Joplin Globe education reporter Emily Younker for reminding me of a quote from last night's Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting that I neglected to put in my post last night.

When I wrote about the plan to help the district's impending (actually, it is already here) financial crisis by selling advertising on everything from new buildings to classrooms to parking lot flags, I did not mention the note of caution that Board President Jeff Flowers added.

:"I just want to make sure it's done tastefully and appropriately, not just for the dollars," Flowers said.

He is absolutely right and hopefully, the discussion will be continued next month when the board meets in the E-Z Payday Loan Room at 32nd and Duquesne.


  1. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Oh, good. The district will be a well-kept mistress and not one of those cheap corner variety gals. Glad to know the board prez is looking after the district's honor.

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Wonder what kinds of expectations big donors will have for their children...this is why this is a bad idea. A slippery slope indeed. Foolish to have to come to this with all that insurance and 62 million of our dollars, plus all those donations. An audit is badly needed.

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I wonder how the district dress code will change under the guise of monetizing the "assets."

  4. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Maybe we could name the new ball fields like the big teams do. Like "Enron Field" in Houston, for example. From noble institution of learning to crass commercial enterprise in one easy 7-0 vote.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Now, to get rid of Flowers....a media, power hungry twerp!
