Saturday, March 29, 2014

Joplin Progress Committee puts thousands more into R-8 School Board race

The Joplin Progress Committee's attempt to influence the Joplin R-8 Board of Education race continued Thursday with more than $2,000 worth of contributions to its chosen candidates.

Twenty-four hour notices filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission show that three candidates, Board President Jeff Flowers, incumbent board member Randy Steele and Bright Futures official Shawn McGrew, each of whom had received $1,000 contributions from the Progress Committee earlier, banked another $723.06 apiece, bringing their total at this point to $1,723.06 per candidate.

The Progress Committee also gave a $1,000 contribution to Lynda Banwart, and may have contributed to her campaign again, but her committee is making its filings at the Jasper County Courthouse in Carthage.

The committee has indicated that it is interested in maintaining a school board that has a strict hands-off policy when it comes to day-to-day operation aof the school district and does not interfere with the superintendent.


  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    There must be profit in it for them, because they (the JPC) don't for the most part live in Joplin but only do business here. There really is a silver lining in that funnel cloud, and they will do anything to keep their sugar daddy in place. It isn't going to work. The public has caught on and the party is over.

  2. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Like Banwart needs any more money? Isn't her rich husband providing enough for her as it is? She came off as a know nothing at the forum. Polite, but without any depth at all. Not even Big Daddy can buy her experience and depth. But I commend her graciousness, which far surpassed that of the arrogant jerk sitting beside her, rolling his eyes and trying to hog the microphone.

  3. Anonymous7:43 AM

    "The committee has indicated that it is interested in maintaining a school board that has a strict hands-off policy when it comes to day-to-day operation aof the school district and does not interfere with the superintendent."
    Does this sound like Huff runs the Joplin Progress Committee.
    Just another example of who you should NOT VOTE FOR. They will not do the children of Joplin any good, they will be another group of yes men for C.J.Huff.

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    No kidding, 7:43. The "hands off" policy of the current board has led to the destruction of the district in all areas. I don't believe board members need to have their noses in every little detail, but when the numbers start indicating a turn in the wrong direction, and when your patrons start indicating dissatisfaction, and when your teachers leave you in record numbers, that is the time to step in and redirect. This board has been too proud to admit it made a mistake in hiring Huff and has allowed that pride to bring on a fall. Time for a new board. Fort, Koch, and Guilford will know what to do.

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Admin wants hands off because at least one board member (not up for election) attended events, asked questions and listened. Admin felt that this board member was being too nosy.

    Board members don't have to "be all up in everyone's business" all the time but 11:05 is right. They should be in all kinds of everyone's business when teachers are leaving in herds and the funds are so low.
