Saturday, March 29, 2014

R-8 sign language: Fort signs vandalized; Flowers signs posted without permission

A win-at-all-costs philosophy appears to have taken hold in the Joplin R-8 Board of Education race and some of it involves sign language.

Earlier this week after receiving two complaints from people who said Board President Jeff Flowers had planted signs in their yards without permission, I posted a message on Facebook asking if anyone had that problem, not mentioning any candidates.

I received three more responses and all said the signs that were posted without permission were signs supporting the re-election of Jeff Flowers.

Another candidate is having the opposite problem. Debbie Fort reported on her Facebook site that a dozen of her signs have vanished, while the letters were taken from another sign:

Ben I have now had 12 people report their signs as having blown away today. Someone also took the letters off my portable sign on east 7th street. But I am going to take the high road and just move forward.

We are certainly seeing some fine examples being set for the young people in the Joplin R-8 School District.


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    How pathetic and desperate looking is that? Perhaps the signs will need to be monitored electronically.

    They have a lot to hide if they're sinking that low. Childish, rude, unethical, and illegal. Sounds like the Board, alright.

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Maybe we could use the cameras that used to be on the school busses to watch the signs. Why we're they taken out anyway? Weren't they advertised to be there for the "safety" of our students? Maybe they sold them to get the wi-fi!

  3. Anonymous7:35 AM

    If city council members signs start to disappear they will have a cop on every corner watching them.
    For every sign posted without permission should be a no vote because they have no ethics.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'm embarrassed for them for stealing and vandalizing. And ashamed. What else will they do to try and win? They only hurt their own chances this way.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    We suspected some of them of being thieves. I guess we were right. Not voting for anyone associated with Huff now, or in any other election, assuming that the man is still here--which he better not be. We will keep electing new board members until things are the way we want them.

  6. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I wonder if it's an ethics violation for a current board member to be in the schools influencing the vote for his fellow board members, being quite forceful with his language, at that. That seems unfair, considering that his audience is captive and that he has a "built-in" spy in place, should anyone object.

    There is NOTHING too low for these people to do to stay in place, and believe me, it isn't so they can look after the children's learning. They need to be put out of office and held accountable for the mess they've made.

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Vandalism and trespassing, what a great example to set for our children. New slogan for the school board: WIN AT ANY COST AND SCREW THE CHILDREN!!!!
