Monday, June 23, 2014

C. J. Huff to Board: Audit could take more than a year

It could be a long, long time before we find out what condition the Joplin R-8 School District is in.

Superintendent C. J. Huff told the Board of Education moments ago that the audit could take more than a year since the Joplin School District poses different challenges for the auditors with all of the donations that came into the district after the May 22, 2011.

Two members of the auditing team visited Joplin today for a preliminary discussion with Huff and board members Annie Sharp and Michael Landis. Auditors will likely begin their work next month and will be at the July Board of Education meeting to explain the process to the board and to the public.

The audit team will be here four days a week, 10 hours a day, Huff said.

While the board has an annual audit, CFO Paul Barr noted, that audit is more of a financial nature, while the state team will be doing an "operational" audit to see if the school district is being run correctly.


  1. Anonymous4:46 AM

    If this audit takes more than a year, I suspect CJ will be long gone by the time the audit is completed. A year will give him plenty of time to call in a chip from one of his pals. Maybe he can go to work for WGU.

  2. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I like the line and will be at the July Board of Education meeting to explain the process to the board and to the public. When in recent memory has the.R8 allowed the public in.on anything relevant? Sure hope next month's meeting will be public m
