Monday, June 23, 2014

Joplin teachers, staff will get their salary schedule steps

Ignore the budget message, CFO Paul Barr told the Joplin R-8 Board of Education a few moments ago- it is no longer operational.

Instead of teachers and staff receiving only a $200 to $300 total raise for the entire year, amounting to only $1 to $3 per week after increased health insurance costs, the teachers will also receive their steps on the salary schedule.

The changes were made during a meeting this morning of the Board's Finance Committee. Barr indicated the money for the pay increases came by eliminating some expenses.

Superintendent C. J. Huff told the board that a committee is going to be put together, headed by COO Tina Smith, to make sure that district salaries will become more competitive.

Huff failed to mention that before he arrived, they were competitive.


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Great, Tina Smith to the rescue. This may require her to hire a few more people in Human Resources.

  2. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Will we get all of our steps or just one? I didn't get my step last year either.
